Friday, December 23, 2022

Covid Redux

Yeah, I got COVID-19 again.  Maybe.  Thankfully, whether I have COVID or not, this time it's mild.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Migraine: More Than A Headache

 It occurs to me that while I talk a lot about migraines to many people, I haven't laid out the entirety of them to anyone.  Including myself.  Not even my two doctors (my general practitioner and my neurologist) have this full history and symptom set.  And as I haven't laid this out myself, I practically have to start from the beginning and think about it each time I try to tell someone about it.  That's really REALLY hard when I'm in the middle of a migraine.  

Fair warning, I am currently in the middle of a migraine so this might come out as garbage.  It also might simply serve as a framework that I'll come back and edit.  But for now... lets do this! 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Update November 25, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!  

I've been meaning to post a quick update on a few things for awhile, but I just never got around to it. Before I get into the standard 'Update' format, let me say that I am extremely Thankful.  I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for my friends, I'm thankful for the online community I'm a part of, I'm thankful for my job.  Not everything is perfect.  In fact very few things are great, let alone perfect, but I'm still Thankful for them.  You see, my family situation isn't great but I'm Thankful that I have my mother, my brothers, my nephews, and my niece.  I'll go over most of these below, but know that while it's easier to write about the bad, I'm still Thankful for all of these things.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Wait, Wait, Lemme Explain!

 Yes.  Yes, I got another computer but I can explain.   Well, to be honest the explanation might not be all that satisfying but it IS an explanation.  But before we get into what the computer is and what I'm going to do with the old computer I should update for you... and me... what my computer history is.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Update October 16, 2022

So I'm getting a new computer, thinking about another job change, got a new phone, took a trip to Texas... oh yea, and I'm home sick with the 'Rona.  

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Can a job be too easy?

 Can a job be too easy?  It seems like a simple question, but I'm honestly have to answer it and all the sub questions that come with it.  What exactly defines 'easy' when it comes to a job.  Is it better to have a difficult job or an easy one?  Is it okay to be around people that complain about how difficult their easy job is?  Let's dig into this because its all relevant.  

Update July 30, 2022

 I'll get more into the job in another post, but figured I'd get an 'update' out of the way just to catch up on a lot of little subjects.  

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The New Job

On June 13, 2022 I started my first real new job as a registered nurse.  I no longer work for the department of corrections and now work for the department of health and human services.  I'm still in orientation, and will probably still be in orientation for another couple weeks at least, but I think I've been there long enough to open up and talk about it now. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Update May 30, 2022

 There should be a lot to talk about since February, but honestly January feels like several days ago.  And several years ago.  Both at the same time.  So lets try to figure out and remember all the stuff that's happened.  Oh, and I got a new job! 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Light Thoughts

I re-read my last post and.... boy, that might have been the nadir.  The low point.  The end of the line.  While it didn't exactly get better starting two months ago, we did start to hire nurses right around then.  And that little glimmer of hope was enough to see, both in my own actions and in the eyes of the nurses I supervise.  To date, we have two RNs and one LPN out of orientation with three more RNs in orientation.  That's enough to cut down the overtime by about half.   

There might be light at the end of this tunnel yet.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Dark Thoughts

I'm feeling low.  Very low.  I knew that work was going to catch up as there's just no way to keep a smile on your face with everything exploding around you.  One step forward and two steps back?  Yeah.  For two years.  We're more than 'a few steps back' now.  I can't imagine seeing 'even' now, let alone see it on the horizon.  This is going to be life for the foreseeable future.... and dear Goddess, I don't know if I can take it. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Update February 13, 2022

A good friend reached out on Discord to say hey and see how I was doing.   She mentioned reading my 'Work and Nursing' post and that inspired me to go back and read it as that must have been months ago.  Nope.  7 weeks.  Work had come to dominate my life.  My daily and weekly routines are so far off that I sometimes don't know what day it is until I look at a calendar.  You'll probably see that as a pattern in this update.  

Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 wasn't any better

I guess 2021 was better than 2020, but we're not talking about major differences here.  2021 sucked.  2020 just sucked a little more.