Sunday, December 29, 2019

My First World Problem

Phones.  I like cell phones.  My first was while I was in Chicago in 1998 and I'm fairly sure it was some variant of the Nokia 5110.  I don't remember much of it because one of the first bills I stopped paying in Chicago was my cell phone bill.  My roomie destroyed his phone and it would have been prohibitively expensive for him to buy a new one.  So since my service had been cut off, I gave him that phone and went phone-less for a long while thereafter.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mom's in the Hospital

I'm not sure when I last talked about Mom's health, but it's taken a down turn these past few months.  And now in the past few days it's gotten quite severe again.  Let's start with a quick recap and then move forward.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Like My Job. Hate My Job.

Looking back, it seems I've been ignoring updating this blog about work.  It looks like my last real update was in June when I was thirteen nurses down.  Well, I'm very happy to say that we're nearly fully staffed!  And yet I still had some of my most stressful times this past few weeks.  It IS related, but damn, why does it feel like I get rested up on Vacation only to come back and have the stress backed up and waiting to catch me right back up!