Sunday, April 25, 2021

Update April 25, 2021

You've read about my bad week at work from my last post.  To be honest, that covers most of my updates, but lets see if there's anything else to talk about. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Work is Hell

I have to wonder how much of me changing jobs is a desire to do something new and how much is a growing dismay at my current predicament.  This week was fucking hell at work and I swear I haven't thought this much about quitting a job in years.  

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Just Dance: Writing Problems

I've talked a few times about me writing a new story.  It's been almost a year since I published Thesis on Fictionmania.  My original plan was always to just pick up the baton where I left off and start a new story.  I even had a story idea I'd been working on since before Thesis with some great sexy scenes and a pretty good overall idea.  But then the reality hit.  

Update April 17, 2021

It's been a couple bad weeks at work.  We had the first D&D session in like 6 months.  I wrote about a page of my new story but am wondering if I'm making it too long.  I got caught up in Mad Men again.  I have some financial questions about debt, savings, and purchases.  

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Xfinity and buying right

I was going to write this in with the 'Update' post but figured it's worthy of its own as it requires a little history.   This involves Xfinity (I'll refer to them as Comcast equally) and the dining room television.  We've had them since.. well, ever.  When we first got cable television back in the early 80s, it was with a local cable company.  That got bought up by a bigger local company.  That got bought up by a bigger reginal company.  Ect ect... it ended up being Comcast and later Xfinity.  My hate for them has grown with each iteration.  

Update April 04, 2021

This is one of those weeks that feel equally busy and full while at the same time feeling lazy and empty.