Sunday, August 19, 2018

Joys and Home

I said in the last post that I would write about some thing that make me happy.  I wanted to do that so that I'd more or less get happy after thinking about that damned nightmare.  But while I was looking for a header image (I really like that nightmare image!) my brother called me out to help take the remains of my car port and toss it in the backyard (more on that later).  So while this was supposed to be a post about making me happy, it's now just going to be a halfhearted attempt at that and then a talk about Home and what that means moving forward.

The Nightmare

I don't often share my dreams or nightmares as they rarely make sense.  I don't buy into dream interpretation beyond the most basic forms.... bad dreams correlate to stressful situations, good dreams correlate to calm situations.  So most of the time when I wake up from a dream, I take just a moment to consider it, then let it flow out of memory.  I recognize if it's a good or a bad dream, but that's about it.  But this was different.  This was a nightmare.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

President Trump

As I start writing this post President Trump has been in office for 1 year, 197 days, 2 hours, and 27 minutes.  I can honestly say he is almost exactly what I expected him to be as President.  A political neophyte who had no idea what he was going to do once in office and therefore hasn't done much of anything beyond make a bunch of noise.