Thursday, September 17, 2015

Playing with fire at work, home, and DX

I don't like to play with fire.  At least not  in reality.  A lot of that has to do with the fact that I don't like to be outside, and it's rare to play with fire inside... but I have a healthy respect for flames.

In the figurative though... oh yes I play with fire often.  These past few weeks I've done that in several ways.  At work I butted heads with custody officers and I'm still looking for that elusive transfer.  At home... well yeah I was frighteningly playing with real fire there.

And lastly, I'm jumping from the frying pan of capping into the fire of roleplaying at DX again.

So yeah... fire is the theme for today's post.  First, let me update you on the 'Last Call' situation.  It seems that my email lit a fire under the HUM and she took it to the Captain with a purpose.  Not only was it made clear that no officer would order any nurse to perform some medical or nursing task, it was also made clear that the entire idea of "Last Call" is on it's way out.  At least in it's current form.

Unfortunately shit rolls down hill, and this particular pile of shit ended up on a sergeant that I bear no ill will towards.  For the purposes of this post let's call him sergeant H.  Sergeant H wants to transfer out of our facility.  He came here a couple years ago to serve under our deputy warden and that warden has since moved on to his own facility.  BUT since he recieved his promotion to sergeant at our facility the current warden won't let him transfer for another couple years saying he owes us that much time for the promotion.   I can kind of understand the warden's though process, but it's still a dick move to make.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


So life trudges on.  I'd love to tell you all that I've been so busy and been having a great time, but honestly the past two and a half weeks have just been... blah.  Not good.  Not bad.  Just blah.

I had a migrane outbreak.  One Wednesday while at work I had a pretty bad headache.  When I got into work I took some acetaminophen and ibuprofen but the headache didn't even budge.  I took my normal lunch and when I got back to the prison I took some more acetaminophen and ibuprofen.  And added an Imitrex.  Imitrex was prescribed to me last December for the migranes but I've only had cause to try one once since then.  And just like that time it didn't do anything other than upset my stomach.  So I called my supervisor, told her that I couldn't continue to work, and went home.

I then called in the next day as the headache hadn't lessened in the least.  The next day, Friday, I went into work but still had a bad headache.  Thankfully it was my weekend off, and I felt it melt away sometime Sunday afternoon.  If you're counting that's a headache spreading out over five days.  Ouch.  And it's had an echo of sorts... every day or so it tries to come back.  I've beaten it away by avoiding loud sounds (driving with the radio quiet sucks!), and a lot of acetaminophen and ibuprofen.  They've helped mange it, but it feels like before I started taking the propranolol.  When I see the Doc in October I'll ask  him about another step... maybe we can up the propranolol.