Saturday, August 10, 2024

Gamer Gurl Part II Part 2?

Three weeks for the first third!

I hope you all get this by now, but just to be safe, this post will have tons of spoilers.  Not just for the second arc, but for the first arc that's already up.  I'll even be talking about what occurred in Gamer Gurl Origins.  So, if you haven't read any of Gamer Gurl and want to read it fresh, then skedaddle.   If you've read it all and don't want to know what will happen in this next third of the second part, then again, skedaddle.  

Still here?  Rock on! 

So, I've finished with the first third of the second part of Gamer Gurl.  In CHYOA terms it's 26 chapters.  When I put it all together its about 67,000 words.  There are a few major hits in the story including Sarah actively using sexy toys on Sadie and not just a butt plug, Todd blackmailing Sadie, Sadie going out with Louis to a Halloween Party, and a big event when she goes to Las Vegas with Marley and ends up in a compromising position with him (more on the compromising position in a bit).  

Overall, I'm happy with it.  It's a little longer than I intended, but that's normal for me.  Hopefully the second and third arcs will be smaller so that Part II can relatively be the same size as Part I.  

Speaking of parts, I know I'll end up with a title for Part II.  It will be Gamer Gurl: Origins, Gamer Gurl: Something and finally Gamer Gurl: Somethingelse.  The 'Part II' is just a place holder.  I think I've come up with what it is.  Or at least what it's about.  The first part is establishing who Nick/Sadie/PrincessBabyDoll is.  It's their Origin story.  This second part is what they transform into.  So Gamer Gurl: Transformations?  Gamer Gurl: Metamorphosis?  Gamer Gurl: Conversion?  Gamer Gurl: Transmutation?  

I'm leaning toward Metamorphosis, but it's a long word.  It actually rolls off the tongue a lot better that it types off the fingers.  I talked in a recent update about being torn on the last scene with Marley.  I initially had it as Sadie giving Marley a hand job while he fingers her ass but thought it might be hotter if she actually gave him head.  Her 'first' time with a man would then be Marley instead of being raped by Todd (which will be the big tent pole event of this second arc, more on that later).  Well, I straddled that line as close as I could.  Even as I was writing it, I was warring with myself between her opening her mouth and sliding down his cock and her keeping her lips shut and getting a facial.  

The scene ended with her lips pressed to the tip of his cock in a very intimate kiss and him cumming like that.  And the cum sprays everywhere including up into her nose.  I really love that scene for a lot of reasons.  

In no particular order, I love it because it save the 'facial' part of it for later.  Yes, technically a guy came in her face, but that experience isn't the same as having a guy cum from several inches away, spraying it over her face.  That's another hot scene that I can keep in my pocket and pull out later if need be (which considering what the third arc will be, I'm almost sure I'll use it!).  

I also love that scene because of the setup.  I must have read dozens of 'forced but not forced' blow/hand job scenes.  Scenes where the person doesn't want to do it, but doesn't have a choice.  A lot of the time, those scenes have huge holes in them.  Holes where the subject could simply back out and not have it happen.  Close their mouth.  Let go of the cock.  Say something.  I've written the scene myself before plenty of times and generally have something or someone in the background pulling the strings, but then the subject is more or less 'willingly' doing it and it's less forced.  Well not this time.  

The first start is stress from the day.  Sadie has a bad experience on the plane ride.  She doesn't like flying and is afraid that flying as a girl might make it worse.  Sarah gives her some pharmaceutical help in the form of a valium, a benadryal, and a melatonin.  These all would work to relax her.  She even tries them out the previous day (her sleepy status helps in that scene!), so she's happy to use them on the plane.  BUT, Marley sees that she's nervous and helps out by sneaking a pill into her drink.  Another valium.  So now she's almost doubled her dose.  Then Marley tries to help her by taking a cute photo of her sleeping on his arm.  He even tags it up as a social media post and warns her to look at it before she goes out of airplane mode... but he warns her about it AFTER she goes out of airplane mode so it's posted to her precious social media accounts.  Her sleeping on a big strong black man's arm with the caption 'Sleeping Beauty finds her Prince Charming'.  

So she's stressed.  Then she gets drunk.  She actively tries to avoid it, but she's the 'arm candy' at a business meeting and doesn't want to look like a prude.  That means extra wine at dinner.  That means champagne toasts.  That means extra drinks at the strip tease show (yes, the business meeting ends up at a strip tease show!).  When Marley and Sadie finally part from the investor, they go to another hotel/casino to celebrate and get temporary tattoos.  Marley gets an Ace of Spades on his belly, and Marley asks for something that matches.  The tattoo artist, not knowing what their relationship is jokingly asks if she'd like a Queen of Spades tattoo.  He means the tattoo indicating a woman that's open to interracial sex.  Sadie doesn't get that at all, and just sees it as a feminine version of what Marley is getting.  And then she cuts off the tattoo artist before he can explain what it means.  She even tells Marley that she knows what it means (she thinks it means that they are a pair, not that she's seeking black dick).  Marley, hearing that, gets very interested in getting Sadie back to her room.  

So she's stressed, she's half drunk, and she has a temporary tattoo indicating she has interest in being with a black man.  Then I have her go round and round with Marley, missing his double entendres and just relaxing as he takes care of her by feeding her chocolate covers strawberries and several more glasses of champagne. 

That's all just the set up.  When the scene initiates she starts by saying she wants to take care of Marley's problem (there was a problem with is room) but he hears her offer as her wanting to take care of him.  She then sees her phone and a reply from Sarah where she'd shared the photo.  Sarah lets her know what it means and Sadie starts to replay the whole evening, realizing what Marley must have seen and heard the entire night... that she wants to have sex with him.  And at that moment, while she's reading the text and focusing on not simply falling down with as dizzy as she is, he undresses and pulls her hand to his cock.  

Sadie tries not to freak out.  She realizes that this is at least partially her fault, that she's led Marley on even if it was inadvertently.  She wants to get out of this without bruising his ego, so she doesn't just pull her hand away.  She's also reminded that it's not like it's the first time she's done this... she's had plenty of devotionals giving hand jobs to black dildos (scenes of that were earlier in this arc).  Then she feels him throb in her hand and she has a mini freak out.  

Sadie stands up, but loses her balance.  She's afraid of falling, so she closes her eyes and holds her hands out.  When Marley touches her leg, he's just being nice and rubbing his fingers over her thigh, she again freaks and tries to shuffle away.  But that gets her dizziness into over drive and she starts to fall.  

When she falls she ends up on the couch again.  One of her legs has her knee on the floor while her other leg is splayed out behind her.  Her chastity cage is right on the edge, crushed into the cushion, giving her even another sensation to experience.  Her belly is on the couch edge and she had her arms in front of her, making her elbows land on the couch cushion and take the majority of the force.  But her elbows are next to Marley's bare leg, putting her forearms up on his leg and her hands... that's right, right within gripping distance of his cock.  In addition, her back is arched, leaving her breasts hanging and her face just above the tip of Marley's cock.  

When she opens her eyes and sees that she's only an inch away from having her mouth on his cock, Marley sees it as her getting into a better position and 'helps' her hands back onto his cock.  He starts moving her hands up and down and that triggers the training she's been having for days about giving handjobs to big black cocks.  These are her devotionals, so they're repeated over and over and she has more or less given almost two hours worth of hand jobs in the past few days.  In her inebriated state, she recognizes she wants to stop giving Marley a hand job but when she does and then focuses on something else, her hands just pick up their training and start over.  

Her position is stretching her back, and I realized as I was writing it, it actutally fits into one of the stretches she's been doing with Marley!  So I write that in, that she's only able to maintain that position because of that training, but it's still straining her back and neck.  Her body, still out of balance, simply wants to go limp but that would lower her head to his you know what.  

I keep her mind going from subject to subject, unable to focus on one thing at a time.  She doesn't want to hurt him.  She doesn't want to open her mouth afraid she'll either relax down or he'll pump his hips up and she'll end up with it in her mouth.  She can't move back and she's on the edge of the couch so she can't move to either side.  

When Marley tries to make her feel good, loving the hand job she's giving him, he pulls her dress up, notes her lacy white panties, and feels her up.  He draws his finger between her cheeks and down until he taps on her trapped scrotum and caged penis and asks her if she is locked away.  Sadie's mind keeps going round and round and she doesn't answer Marley (it would take her opening her mouth).  He wants to make sure he has her attention so he presses just a bit on her head which pushes her that last inch into pressing her lips against his cock.  She's able to come back up but is now afraid that he's going to do that again.  

She decides that as long as she's going to risk saying answering, she should also just tell him that she's not wanting to be doing any of this.  But as soon as she says "yes" she has to clamp her mouth shut as he presses down again, putting her lips on his cock.  Again.  And her lips don't leave this time as the strain on her neck and back along with just the weight of his hand is too much.  

And the final pièce de résistance is Marley wanting to help Sadie feel good, so he licks his finger wet and slides it into her butt to start finger banging her.  

I think the reason I'm so happy with that is that I've been there before.  No, I haven't been face down on a cock with someone finger banging me (Swoon!), but I've been in that inebriated and strained state.  I remember being so unbalanced when drinking far more than I should that the world feels like a fun house with the floor moving against you.  It feels like the floor is going to come up and smack you and any movement you do just intensifys it.  I've fell in that state and had to take several long moments to realize how my body was positioned (for me I was half in and half out of a big bush).  I've had that buzzing in my head when you can't seem to focus on any one thing even when you know that focusing on one thing is important.  And finally, I've been in the position that I didn't want to hurt a friend, didn't want to hurt a friend's feelings or ego, even though my inaction of not hurting him would hurt me.  

I think that's the most realistic 'forced' by themself scene I've ever written.  

One problem with that scene is reader expectations.  I've never written a lot in the whole big black cock or new black world order or sissy loves big black daddy cock type of genres.  I watch plenty of that genre, but I find it racist and have to do mental summersaults to make it work in my 'woke' mind (They're alpha cocks, not black cocks... they just happen to ALSO b black).  Anyway, I got several people reading along who seemed to really perk up once I had that Queen of Spades tattoo on Sadie.  Worse, they wanted it to transition into her willingly and happily having sex with Marley.  

Now, if they've followed me for long enough, they should know that is highly unlikely.  I haven't hidden the fact that this is the first third of the second part of a story.  So this scene, as monumental as it is, isn't even halfway through the story.  It's just not my standard style to have the subject of my story willingly have sex like that and not be completely freaked out.  And since I'm not writing Marley as a rapist asshole (That's Todd in my story) then this is going to be reluctant at best and self forced at worst.  

So, they were disappointed by the end result.  I think if they stick around, they'll like it as I'm more sure now that Marley and Sadie will eventually be having willing consensual sex.  Maybe not in this second part, but surely in the third part.  

Other than that, the reactions have been very good to this first third so far.  I won't count the first two chapters because everybody can 'like' those and read them over and over again as all possibilities are open.  As I write more, the possibilities get narrowed down.  But the rest of the chapters are good.  They have a low of 10 likes (that's the chapters I put up less than 24 hours ago) and a high of 22 (the first two have 31 and 27 respectively).  The chapters quickly get to over 200 reads and the average read for each chapter is over 500.  There's 33 bookmarks and 167 favorites.  

So, where do I go from here.  Well, the next big tent pole scene I had in mind is the date rape by Todd.  I didn't have anything specific in mind for the rape, but considering that I didn't cross the sex line with Marley, this can be either oral or anal.  If Sadie had given head to Marley, then I'd want to "one up" it by having Todd fuck her anally.  Now she can simply be forced to blow him.  I also want to progress her finances, and part of that is having a bondage scene with Sarah.  She will be tied up in her chair and it will be sexy with Sarah feeling her up.  It won't get the video banned, but no one really notices because she's not big enough to get noticed.  When she is big ennough, and when she's later looking at sponsorships, they'll see it and mark her as too risqué. That will be the ruin of her at the end of this part. 

Anywho, that was all I had in mind for this arc.  So I started there.  It would end with Todd's rape and she'd have the bondage scene streamed with Sarah.  I then listed what I wanted Sadie to do emotionally.  

With Sarah, I wanted Sadie to confide what happened with Marley.  I wanted them to get closer, but not as lovers.  They WILL be lovers, but not making a more romantic relationship.  Just a more sexual, dominant/submissive relationship.  They'll actually start moving more toward friendship rather than anything else.  

With Marley I wanted her to cut him out of her life initially as she just couldn't deal with the aftermath of having him cum in her face when she had no interest in having sexual relations with a man.  She doesn't blame him more than her, but she still can't even see him without reliving it, so she doesn't want to see him.  But in this arc, I want them o get past that.  Marley is still attracted to her and is open to helping her however Sadie needs.  So when they talk and Sadie spills the beans on what's going on, he's still attracted to her but he'll know it's far less chance that he ends up in a romantic relationship with her (not to say that he still doesn't want a physical relationship.  Basically they should end there, with the agreement to be more to each other, but that 'more' will be established in the next arc.  

With Louis, it will be a similar journey.  Sadie won't be able to look at Louis without remembering what happened with Marley.  So she'll initially tell him that they'll just be streaming friends and no more.  But, she'll realize she's having more feelings for Louis.  More romantic feelings, and she'll eventually help him.  I had the idea of using is car and maybe having him photograph his car with Sadie as the 'car babe'.  They then got to the car show where they she can get in trouble and Louis can step up and save her, making her realize she likes that.  She likes feeling protected and never liked being the opposite... being a protector.  

That's Sadie's emotional journeys.  The last bit is her workings with Todd.  That I just anted to escalate in every lab she has.  So, I knew it would end with rape, and the last session I had her making out with a guy on Todd's behalf.  So the next lab would be making out with him, right?  Then what if he caught her bondage steam and wanted to try that on her himself?  He could use some handcuffs and start to really establish himself as an asshole and even worse, an incompetent.  He's not good at even playing as a dominant.  And between Sarah, Louis, and Marley, Sadie knows what it is to deal with dominant attitudes.  Finally he'll find out about her and Marley, and then use that as an excuse to force her into sex "If you've had sex with them, then you can have sex with me!"  

With those four storylines, as well as wrapping up a few parts (Dr Lacy) and financials, I made up this outline and think it will go good:

  • Reunite with Sarah
    • Quiet flight home with Marley that night
      • Still embarrassed by her tattoo, ends up getting a ‘Luxor’ tshirt to wear
      • He drives her home and drops her off, she doesn’t say anything to him until he says he’ll see her ‘tomorrow’
      • She angrily tells him she needs more time without him, to not come tomorrow, that she’ll call him before he’s to come back for exercise
    • Sarah rushes out from stream, still dressed in ‘DragonGirl09’ outfit to welcome her back
      • Tries to head back to stream, but sees something is wrong
      • Tries to get Sadie to open up with whats gone wrong, but Sadie refuses, saying that she should get back to her stream
      • Sarah agrees, heading back into her garage studio
    • Sadie moves into her room to unpack
      • Changes into sweat pants and loose tshirt
      • Sarah comes in, saying she ended her stream, that talking to Sadie was more important
      • Sadie is touched by Sarah’s giving up on a stream (realizing just how much money she’s leaving on the table now) and opens up to her
      • Tells her everything
    • Sarah lets her talk
      • Is obviously holding things back, just let’s Sadie get it all out
      • Hugs her, promises that it will all be all right
    • They sleep together in Sadie’s room, side by side
    • In morning they talk more
      • Sarah focuses on parts where Sadie not only should have known, but did know
        • Chocolate in your mouth
        •  Take good care of you
        • You’re my special girl, and I want to be the type of man you…
        • I got you girl. I’m gonna take good care of you tonight
      • Suggests that on a subconcious level, Sadie was open to the possibility of being romantic with Marley, even if she wasn’t completely on board consciously
      •  Sadie tries to argue against it, but admits that feels right.  That a part of her knew and didn’t sound alarms.  That she was, at the very least, curious. 
      • Sarah suggests Sadie experiment
        • Just see if she’s open to thinking of herself as a woman, of having sex with a man (NOT another man, but a man as she’s a girl)
        • Sadie agrees in theory without committing to anything in practice, but adds that until she can get her head around it, she won’t be able to be around Marley, that even thinking about him gets her sad and angry and embarrassed and throws her completely off her own self.  

  • Deal with Louis
    • Finds out Sarah can’t seem to get information about Dr. Lacy, doesn’t want to give more information without Sadie’s permission
      • Sadie calls in, admits she’s Dr. Lacy’s patient, and has some questions about the procedure, saying she thinks its progressing to far (specifically not mentioning hormones as she wants to only mention that to Dr. Lacy in person)
      • Is informed that Dr. Lacy is on sabbatical leave to Thailand for research project, won’t be back until January.  
        • Is offered to come in and visit with one of Dr. Lacy’s colleagues, but refuses.
      • Discuss it with Sarah
        • The come down that they can either stop the hormones outright and risk health problems, pay the exorbitant fee to see Dr. Stevenson again, see Sadie’s home doc and risk her family finding out, or wait for Dr. Lacy
        •  Decide to wait for Dr. Lacy in January
    • That reminds Sadie about her family. 
      • Recap that she’s been keeping up, especially with her brother, via text, email, and whatsapp. 
      • Is getting nervous as Thanksgiving is coming up
        • She’s fine not going home and being with them, they’d discussed that and knew ‘he’ might not be able to come home for every holiday, but she wants to talk with them.  On the phone. 
      • Sarah offers the vocal modulation
        • She’s thought of it initially to give ‘him’ a femme voice, but it could work in reverse
        • They try it out and get ‘his’ voice close, Sadie agrees that it can be used with the difference explained by a cold, which will also work as one of the reasons she can’t come home. 
    • Sadie notices Louis in one of her streams, remembers that she still has to talk to him
      • Even thinking of going out with Louis, reminds her of her time with Marley
        • Almost gags, remembering the feeling of his cum, the small of it
        • Her imagination takes her to thinking of the same thing with louis
      • Contacts him and wants to meet up in the park to talk
    • Next day Marley calls, saying that he can respect how Sadie feels, but that it shouldn’t impact her workouts, that he’d like to still be her trainer
      • Sadie refuses, saying she can’t be in the same room with him
      • Reminds him that she needs to come to terms with what happened before she can even think about discussing it with him, and that she’s no where near close to understanding it herself
        • Frustrated, he agrees with her assessment
      • She tells him that she’ll pay up the remainder of the contract as it was written in there were no cancelations
        • They argue back and forth, him not wanting to be paid, her wanting to pay
        • He finally wins by saying he won’t take her money regardless of how she pays
    • Meet Louis in park
      • Sadie thinks it through and realizes that until she’s mentally dealt with marley, she won’t be able to even think about being romantic with Louis.
        • But she doesn’t want to hurt him, wants to at least be friendly if not friends
        • She works out a lie that works for her
      •  Meet Louis in the park, sit on the swings in jackets
        • Sadie tells Louis that she’s torn on feeling romantically toward him, but feels that those feelings would take away form her streaming.  That she’s still just establishing her brand and that she needs to focus on that.
        •  He surprises her by agreeing, saying that it’s harder for girls in that they have to establish themselves as sexy to men while having to maintain an independence that male streamers don’t have to
        • She tells him that she wants to remain friendly, that streaming and online events together are fine, but that meeting in person is just too confusing for her, and she can’t have that derailing her streaming, so no more meeting in person
        • Like before, he admits he will miss them being together, that he is having real feelings toward her, but he will respect her wishes.  .

  • Lab with Todd
    • Goes to lab, thinking that no matter what, Todd can’t be worse than Marley
      • Have a normal lab, with Todd only stopping by once for a quick kiss and rub on her ass
      • After class he pulls her into his lap “I want my girl in my lap while I grade some papers, just be sexy and let people walking by see us together”
      • While grading she feels ridiculous, literally being ‘eye candy’ for him
      • He talks in between papers about how he watched her at the party and was initially upset that she’d be out with other guys
        • Says the more he thought about it, the less it bothered him as he liked being out with a ‘slut’ and that the more guys she was out with, the better it would look when ultimately she did what he said over anybody else
      • He ends the session by getting hard under her ass
        • When the papers are done and there aren’t any people in the hall he takes it further, making out with Sadie
        • First time she realizes he’s getting enjoyment out of her body and not just by being seen by other people using her

  • Sex with Sarah that night
    • She gets Sadie to agree to experimenting, to being more of ‘the girl’ and experiencing having sex with ‘a man’
      •  Emphasizes that she shouldn’t think of it as sex with ‘another’ man as there would only be one in that coupling
      • Sarah shows Sadie her strap on
        • A harness that has a dildo slid into Sarah and a hookup for another dildo to go into Sadie (shows that she has a ‘marley’ and ‘louis’ dildo
        • Is clear that she wants Sadie to think about those two men in particular, not some random man.  That romance should be part of it
        • Emphasizes that she wants Sadie to experience, at least a little, making love instead of ‘having sex’
      • Because she’s still dealing with Marley issues, they go with ‘Louis’ first
      • Sets Sadie up in bed on all fours, naked and blindfolded
        • Comes in minutes later, touching her, kissing her
        • Must have her hair up in a bun as Sadie can’t feel it, helps her imagine it’s Louis touching her
        • Has cologne on, not the same as Louis’ but it does remind her of how louis smelled
      • Sadie gets turned on
        • Feels that growing familiarity of feeling small, loved, protected

    • Sarah fucks Sadie
      • Sarah moves to her knees at Sadie’s head
        • Keeping Sadie’s hands down, uses the dildo to touch Sadie’s face
        • Rubs it over her lips
        • Has Sadie kiss it
        • Specifically doesn’t have Sadie take it inside of her mouth
      • Sarah moves between Sadie’s legs
        • Sadie can feel that Sarah is dressed, but not in clothes that she knows.  Jeans?  Rough Tshirt? 
      • Starts playing with the dildo on Sadie’s ass, moving it between her cheeks, tapping at her ass hole
      • Starts playing music, all songs that were played at Halloween party
      • Removes blindfold, letting Sadie see
        • Sadie is looking at mirror set up on bed
        • Sees herself on all fours, with ‘person’ behind her dressed in jeans, tshirt, and vest
          • Looks enough like brock costume to remind Sadie of Louis’s costume
        • Mirror isn’t tall enough to show above Sarah’s breasts (can’t hide those under the tshirt and vest)
        • Sarah’s strap on is on under her pants and existing out of her zipper
      • Lubes up the strap on and Sadies ass
      • Makes love to Sadie, includes generated vocal content that sounds almost exactly like Louis
        • God Sadie, you feel so good
        • Just like that, move your ass for me
        • You’re so sexy
        • I love you
        • I’m going to cum
      • Ends by reaching down and squeezing dildo’s balls, pushing ‘cum like substance into Sadie’s ass
      • Sadie orgasms through her cage as Sarah ‘cums’ inside of her
    • Sadie falls forward and for a moment Sarah falls on top of her, making sure her breasts don’t push into Sadie’s back
      • Plays a recording of Louis “Don’t move”
    • Pulls out of Sadie and leaves the room without speaking
    • Comes in moments later in her lingerie, cuddles up with Sadie, shushes any questions and just goes to sleep

  • Sexy streaming
    • Recap of how Sadie has been increasing sex appeal on streams
      • Has been entirely hiding her midriff
      • Doesn’t want anybody seeing tattoo, hating that measn no one sees her belly button right until after Christmas
      • Now has two date nights a week, Tuesdays and Fridays
      • Her audience is pushing her to be sexier, the bondage comments call out to her, figuring its an easy way to be seen as sexy without having to actually do more sexual content
    • Sadie tries bondage one night
      • Tasks her audience, if she gets $2,000 in tips, she’ll explore bondage
        • She’s surprised at just how fast she gets to $2,000
      • Ties herself up, remembering how to do so from a video she watched earlier
        • One rope above her breasts, one below them
          • Loves the way it emphasizes her breasts
        • She humorously find the limits when she tries to get up and change position in chair a couple times
          • Can’t even lean forward to take a drink
        • Promises that she’ll continue to play
    • Sadie realizes that not only did the tips to get her to try bondage pay well, that she got a lot of increased tips during the session.  Decides to not only try it again, but to up it.
    • Tries bondage a second night
      • Again, tasks her audience, this time only asking for $1,500
        • Gets there just as quickly as the $2,000 did
      • Ties herself up the same way
        • One rope above her breasts, one below them
          • Goes tighter, enjoying how it really shows off her breasts
        • Adds tying her upper arms
          • The first one isn’t easy, but manageable
          • The second one is difficult with her arm already being tied
        • Still goes over well, but has difficulty typing as she can barely reach the keyboard
        • Promises that she’ll continue to play
    • Talks to Sarah about it the next night
      • Admits she likes it, but the audience seems to really respond to it, loving it, and paying a lot for it
      • Says that she’s at her wits end, not knowing how she could tie herself up more
        • Wonders about tying her legs up like in the dream or her forehead
      • Sarah says she can certainly do more, that she’ll just need someone to do it with her
      • Suggests testing it out
    • Set everything up so that Sadie can see what she’ll look like on the stream.  Ties herself up as before.
      • Sarah comes in with her hair up in a bun, wearing very high heels, a latex skirt, and a matching latex tube top
      • Sadie gets aroused as Sarah start tying her up
        • Starts by tightening her upper arms.  Sadie realizes that that alone would make it difficult to get out as she can barely reach the knots and now they’re tight
        • Next is pulling her legs up and binding them to the seat cushion
          • Sadie realizes that she’s now at least partially incapacitated as she can’t move the chair around if she’s more than an inch away from the desk
        • Sarah smiles and asks if Sadie trusts her
          • Sadie does
          • Sarah starts the stream, telling Sadie that her face (Sarah’s face) won’t be on the screen, and she won’t speak so Sadie will have to say everything
      • Sadie starts narrating for the audience, letting the bondage stream continue
        • Explains that she has a helper, that she can’t reach the keyboard or mouse without help
        • Sarah keeps going, binding Sadie’s head to the chair and finally her forearms to the arm rests
        • The audience goes wild as Sadie demonstrates her helplessness by wiggling and trying to get out
          • She freaks out a little on the inside, but recognizes how well her audience is reacting
        • The audience on their own start suggesting and tipping for Sadie to play her way out of the bondage
        • Sadie agrees that it’s a two-way race.
          • She’ll play Avenue Fighter VI, every match won will be a piece of bondage taken off
          • They’ll keep tipping, every $200, will be a piece of bondage back on
          • It goes on for some time, but as the game gets more difficult and the tips slow down it seems to be at a stalemate
          • Sarah steps out and comes back with a box, pulling a penis gag up off camera with a wicked smile
          • Sadie freaks out a little, afraid of what that would feel like but also afraid of getting her video and stream demonetized
          • Nods when Sara puts it back and pulls out a ball gag instead
          • The tips freak out and skyrocket
          • The ballgag goes in
          • Sarah steps it up by wordlessly indicating that additional tips will get her to do more things
            • As tips keep coming in Sarah does more and more to Sadie
            • Blinds her with her hands
            • Tickles her sides and underarms
            • Cups her breasts
            • Puts a collar on her
          • Sadie is overwhelmed, not just by the situation she’s in but by the memories of the devotional she had.  Is off the charts aroused
        • Sarah finally signs off, leaving Sadie tied up
    • End the night with Sadie tied to the chair and Sarah coming back in with her strap on
      • Starts with a long slow session of oral sex
      • Eventually unbinds Sadie from the chair, but rebinds her with her arms behind her back
      • Pushes Sade on the bed and Sadie orally please her
      • Ends the night with Sara turning Sadie over, putting the strapon back on and taking her anally

  • Next day talking
    • Sadie sleeps bound up, wakes up stiff
      • Has to wait until Sarah wakes up to be untied
      • Has breakfast, admits that she had a good time with it and that the audience went wild for it
      • Counts up her stream and subscriber numbers and realizes she can pay off computer and majority of all medical bills
      • With just her college and miscellaneous bills left, she’ll easily pay it off before the end of the semester
    • Sarah has mini celebration with Sadie
      • Says that everything is going great
      • Says that she realizes, even if Sadie doesn’t, that Sadie is clearly attracted masculinity if not Louis and Marley directly.  Gives example of her orgasming with use of strap on, but only when Sarah works hard to eliminate signs of her femininity and enhance the illusion of masculinity
        • Worked the first night, but didn’t get her off last night
        • Says she’s noticed that they have a more friend relationship, even though it’s more sexual than before.  That Sadie is like a friend a few years younger than her.  She doesn’t mind, but believes part of that is Sadie’s own sexual interest turning toward men
      • Sadie reluctantly agrees, is confused by what to do next
      • Sarah suggests she re-connect with Louis and Marley
        • See if she can get past the nonconsensual sex with Marley
          • If she can, Marley might be a good resource to use for sexual experience.  A safe trustworthy person who has been through this before
        • Go out with Louis again, be open to a relationship opening up further
          • Has to be ready to tell Louis what she is though, if the feelings are real. 
    • Sadie contacts Marley and sets up a meeting in a public place
    • Sadie contacts Louis
      • She intends to tell him that she’s ready to start dating again on a limited scale, but he beats her to the punch
      • He asks if she can help him with a photo shoot
        • He wants to enroll his car in a car show as he’s finished the interior
        • He wants classic car photos including a ‘car babe’
      • Sadie agrees to be Louis’ car babe in his photos and even go to the car show with im

  • Meeting with Marley
    • Meet at the coffee shop
    • Sadie says that even though they are in public, she wants to record their talk
    • Sets up her phone to record both of them talking
    • Sadie opens up to Marley about everything
      • That she was a guy and never wanted to be a girl
        • That she wanted to do this to earn money but always wanted to return to being a guy
        • That she’s now having doubts as she likes being a girl
      • That she was never sexually interested in men until having to flirt with Marley all the time and seeing Louis socially
      • Explains everything that happened with Louis
      • Feels silly about recording the conversation and stops the video
      • Admits to having ‘been with other men’ and refers to Todd but not by name
        • Mentions that that attention is unwanted but she’s stuck with it and will deal with it on her own
      • Admits that while she didn’t want the sexual experience with marley, that she was in fact horrified by it at the time, that she’s not sure now
        • Tells him about the strap on experiments
        • Tells him that she recalls the time with Marley and no longer sees it as revolting, in fact she gets turned on when she thinks about it
    • Marley accepts what Sadie has to say
      • Admits that he has felt awful about that night ever since she told him it was nonconsensual
      • Says he feels a little hurt that he was being used
        • Says he could have still helped if she and Sarah had been more forthright
        • That being more forthright would have spared his feelings, and maybe prevented the Las Vegas event
    • Sadie apologizes
      • Admits she doesn’t know what’s going to happen
        • She’s interested in Louis, but he doesn’t know about what she is
        • She interested in Marley, feels safe around him, but not in the same romantic way as she is with Louis
      • Asks Marley if he can help her with being intimate with a man
    • Marley says he can help Sadie
      • That he can help her be intimate with men
      • Would like to continue training her
      • Has Sadie recognize that he is still attracted to her and thre’s a chance he’ll have to call off working with her if his own emotions get in the way. 
    • They agree
      • Will start with resuming their workouts
      • Marley asks if she’s willing to help him with his gym

  • Lab with Todd
    • Todd ignores her during the lab
    • Afterward locks the lab up and admits he caught her bondage stream
    • Pulls out handcuffs as he pulls her into the back room
    • Binds her hands together, stuck to a pipe above her head
      • Kisses her but isn’t as experienced as Sarah utilizing the fact that she’s bound
    • Pulls her top down and plays with her bare breasts
      • Is amazed that they’re real
      • Plays extensively with her nipples when he sees it really affects her
    • Pulls her top off and sees tattoo
      • Demands she explains it
      • Calls her stupid for not knowing what it meant
      • Demands she keeps it covered
        • “No girl of mine is going to be known as a nigger loving bitch”
    • Sadie recognizes that he’s working hard to see her as only a girl, playing with her breasts, feeling her as, touching her everywhere except for her groin

  • Car show with Todd
    • Quick scene of the photoshoot
      • Todd is nervous about asking Sadie to pose sexily
      • She takes over for him, sexing up her poses and looks
      • Takes advantage and gets some for herself for her social media
      • He loves the photos and they go get prints made
    • Go to the car show
      • Clear that people love his car and love talking to him about it, but he’s not going to win
      • See’s Todd and has to avoid him, but gets out of his way and doesn’t see him again
      • Sadie sees that he’s such a genuine nice guy
        • Open to people talking about his car, won’t bash them even when they’re wrong
        • Helps out a kid and doesn’t mind that he spills chocolate ice cream on his carpet, insists they keep going to get a photo of the kid in the car even though it means a stain on the carpet
        • He keeps Sadie safe
          • He even stops talking to the judges when he sees Sadie getting hit on by a couple toughs
          • He gets hurt but they get arrested
      • Sadie feels protected
        • Feels small, safe, and protected by Louis
        • Realizes when she tried to do same thing in the past with girls that it never felt right, that she was more comfortable being an equal with a girl, but that she feels right being ‘under’ Louis
      • They make out
        • She gets really aroused and leans into making out with Louis, with letting him make out with her
        • She realizes she wants to try a relationship and wonders how she’ll tell him about her secret

  • Lab with Todd
    • Todd rushes through the lab, eyeing Sadie, making her feel uncomfortable
    • She texts Sarah, asking for a ride
      • She gets a quick reply that Sarah will be there in a half hour, waiting outside the chem building
    • Todd directly hurries some students to finish early
    • Locks up early but Sadie sneaks out, hoping to catch Sarah and avoid Todd
    • Doesn’t see Sarah outside.
      • Checks her phone, sees text from Sarah just a few minutes earlier
      • “Sorry, got caught up in a stream, can you take the bus instead?”
      • Gets caught by Todd before she can send a reply
    • Takes Sadie to the back room and immediately ties her up
      • Exposes her breasts
      • This time licking and biting at her nipples
      • Sadie hates that she’s getting turned on
        • She, for the first time, recognizes that while she’s physically turned on there’s no emotional side
        • When this happened with Louis, she was FAR more aroused with FAR less physical attention
      • He pulls her phone out to take photos 
        • She tries to beg off having photos taken like this, tries to stop him from using her phone
          • He eventually gets her to look at her phone, unlocking it with her face
      • He finds the video of her and marley speaking
        • “What did you and your black lover talk about?”
        • Scrubs through the video, stpping when he hears about them being together
        • Focuses on two phrases
          • “…my hands on your cock…”
          • “…your cum on my face…”
        • He gets angry
          • Claims he was being ‘nice’ by not going further, saying he thought she didn’t want to have sex with guys
          • He won’t be convinced that the video doesn’t prove that she isn’t a slut and has been with multiple guys
    • “If you did it for them, you’ll do it for me”
      • Uncuffs her from the pipe, recuffs her hands behind her
      • Pushes her to her knees
      • Forces her to perform oral sex
        • “Remember, do this or you’ll get kicked out of school, lose your streaming money, and I’ll even make sure to screw up your nigger lover”
        • She notes that he’s way smaller than marley
          • She assumes he’s smaller than Louis just by the way Louis feels under his pants
        • She realizes that while he barely reaches into her throat, that she barely has a gag reflex
        • Keeps flipping between humiliation and rage
          • Dark mirror version of her with Marley, except Todd isn’t kind or caring and she’s able to transmute her embarassement into anger and other emotions
        • Cums in her mouth
          • She can’t bear to swallow it and spits it out, most of it landing on her shirt
    • Let’s her go without letting her clean up or giving her a replacement shirt
      • Promises she’ll be giving him oral sex a lot from now on

Now, I know that's a lot.  It looks like a lot, it takes up a lot more space than the outline I did for the first arc, it has a lot more words and subscenes.  But here's the think, I believe I've overwritten everything in this outline.  Just my imagination going into overdrive and not wanting to miss out on the ideas.  Realisitically, I think this is 11 or 12 CHYOA chapters, not another 26.  The sex with Sarah, the sexy streaming, the car show, and the final scene with Todd all might be multiple chapters but the rest will be single chapters and might not even fill up a full chapter.  

One thing I'm leaving off is Sadie getting offered a sponsorship.  I'm imagining it being something like her being a brand ambassador to a company like Logitech.  That's a key lynchpin to the next part as it will lead to her losing all of her streaming income.  It's as important as her car problem, because her deciding to take out a loan to get a car, puts her right back behind the Eightball needing money. 

But I think that's where I can pick up the third arc.  It will be one of those 'best of times, worst of times' scenarios with her dealing with possible stardom with her sponsorship offer and self recrimination after the rape.  

I already have some basic ideas for the third arc.  I think this is going to be the super power up, Justice League, Avengers scene.  Roughly, Sarah will notice Sadie being edgy and force her to talk about it.  Sadie will admit her problems with Todd, not asking for help in stopping it, but asking for help in dealing with it as she beleives it's a price she has to pay.   Sarah will be enraged but promise Sadie that she won't do anything when Sadie makes her.  Sarah, being a little conniving herself figures she can't do anything but she CAN tell both Louis and Marley.  

Those three, Sarah, Marley, and Louis, will get together and team up to take out Todd for Sadie.  It's going to make Sadie fall in love with all three of them even more.  I don't know the specifics... what they do or how Todd ends up... but I think that's a part of the arc.  

I'll focus on Sadie getting all the money she needs, celebrating, planning the trip to the CON, and realizing she has enough money to make her dream come true now... taking out a loan to get her own car.  She'll just get her car but I don't know if it will be good basic transportation, something like Sarah's where it can be an instygram car, something like Louis' where she'll have to work on it, or a sports car like Marley's (not NEARLY as expensive).  

The big ending will be at the CON.  Having fun, maybe celebrating her femininity in a way she didn't think possible, and thinking she's on top of the world.  The end is like Luke learning about Darth Vader being his father.... devastating.  She'll learn that all of her accounts have been demonetized and that she can no longer make a living being a streamer/influencer.  

But I can think more on that third arc when I'm done with this one.  

I have to say, I'm really enjoying writing this so far.  I like the characters, like how they're growing, like how they're growing together.  

Oh, and I wanted to share that a friend told me that she'd recently been on a YouTube  nostolgia trip and came across a video that reminded her of my 'Just Dance' story:

(in case at some point in the future this video goes down, it's Inna's music video for her song '10 Minutes')

1)  The Video is spectacular and I can easily see how it would remind anybody of Just Dance.  It has the same vibe and sexiness that I wanted.  

2)  I fell in LOVE with the song.  I'm constantly surprised that since I've opened myself up to listening to pop and dance music just how much I enjoy some of it.  The energy and vibe of this song just hits me in all the right places.  And the fact that it's a Romanian singer/musician's song from 2009 doesn't take anything away from it!)

3)  It put me back in the mindset of Just Dance. 

Now, I'm not one to pick up and write sequels just because I enjoyed things before.  I've often thought of re-writing some of my shorter pieces, giving them the long story treatment, but not taking a finished product and then continuing it.  Just Dance, to me found it's natural ending with the end of the competition and Brit and Damon getting together.  Sure, Brit doesn't know what the future holds for her femininity wise.  She could get out of the contract or go with it.  She could stay as a temporary femme, or go for more long term transitions.  She could take her relationship with Damon and run with it, drop him and find another lover, or anything in between.  

But with this video playing in my mind, I started to think if it would be possible to answer some of those questions interestingly.  And would anybody be interested in a follow up.  Per the comments on the story at Fictionmania a lot of people wanted to read another chapter or an epilogue, but this would be more than that.  It' would be a true sequel.  And not like Gamer Gurl, where I've planned it as a trilogy.  

A sequel to Just Dance could be like Terminator 2.  Something that wasn't originally imagined and turns out so much better than the original.  Then again, it could also be Ghostbusters 2.  Something that wasn't originally imagined and turns out so bad that it almost destroys the franchise.  

The thought that came to me is Brit and Damon staying together, exploring her gender identity as a couple.  She isn't sure she wants to be a woman, but knows she can't go back as a normal man.  She stays in the show and commits to the contractual run, but the casino's contract includes sending them on the road.  And the Jive Dolls get sent for an international tour where they are FAR more popular (I learned today that break dancing is vastly more popular in both Europe and Asia as compared to it's home in America).  

What I really see, as a source of conflict since every story needs conflict, is the various countries 'helping' Brit.  I'm just spitballing here, but imagine them going to Japan or South Korea and getting some technologically super advanced implants for Brit.  Breast implants giving her a larger chest that's super sensitive and even remote controlled (which naturally would later break, leaving Brit in it's most sensitive setting).   Or going to Greece and she gets a surgery, making her rectum more sensitive to sexual intercourse.  

And an idea that just hit me, maybe someone is doing this to her.  Maybe she decided to stay male and take things slow, but this person is screwing with that choice and forcing her into more and more feminine roles and parts.  Maybe it could even be Greg Crimson?  

I don't know.  I'll just say that I've enjoyed my mind going down that road.  It even made it into Gamer Gurl as I at least established that Gamer Gurl exists in the same universe as Just Dance.  Both Sadie and Marley watched the Just Dance show and liked the Jive Dolls dance group.  

For now, I'm going to enjoy writing this second arch for the second part of Gamer Gurl.  I'm going to enjoy writing the whole second part of Gamer Gurl.  And once it's done and published, I'll decide if I want to side track with another project or if I'll want to keep on trucking and finish off Gamer Gurl part III.  

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