Friday, July 19, 2024

Gamer Gurl Part II

I'm getting back onto the horse! 

Now that It's A Man's World has been published, I'm trying to get back into writing Gamer Gurl.  The normal warnings apply as I'm going to be discussing my plan for this part.   If you don't want a heads up on what I'll be writing for the next few months, it's best you not read any further.  That being said, I'm not committing to any of this and I'll change whenever I see fit, and you might just be seeing this as a 'what might have happened' scenario.  

Still here?  Good, let's go! 

I wanted to approach this in a completely different way.  I've had good luck so far with outlines, so I wanted to rely more heavily on those.  This will allow me to set up things in advance and have them pay off more fulfilling.  For example, in It's A Man's World, I hinted at Kylan's impending birthday and him becoming an adult.  I thought it would pay off in a sexy scene between Joy and him.  But by the time I got there, I also had Joy with Kylan's father and the scene felt off to me.  So, while it was hinted at several times before, it ended up being a bust.  

First thing I needed to do was sit back and consider the whole story.  I've been saying this is a trilogy for awhile now.  This is the time that I establish that.  The first part was the creation of Sadie and Princess BabyDoll.  I think that part went well.  In my head, the second part would be her getting more successful as a streamer and the third part would be her delving into a more camgirl or sexual role.  But I didn't have an idea on how she's transition between those two.  

I'd also mentioned that I had some ideas on what would happen in the second part, including a trip/date/sex with Marley, a possible rape with Todd, and ending up at the DragonCon.

To help frame this, I was still feeling disapointed with how It's A Man's World ended up.  So what I did was focus on just pieces I wanted to hit.  Just write something down and come back to it later.  Here are items that made my list for this second part:

  • Belly button ring
  • Sex with Marley
  • Noticing body continuing to change
  • Making up with and dating Louis
  • Todd? Blackmail? Rape?
  • Earning more money (keep earning until the end, then have it get cut off)
  • Sarah - Finding spare NAS that's encrypted, finding more times she’s ‘streaming’ without being on any of the services, getting a better relationship, get used for sex two or three times a week, continue chastity
  • End at the Con - happy that money work, find out that the money stream has been cut off, leading into needing to go into onlyfans


They belly button ring was something new in my head.  I just thought it might be another thing that Sadie could experience that is very feminizing.  I already have her wearing crop tops and showing off her belly, so having a dangly belly button ring that will caress her skin, and maybe even be toyed with by someone touching it, would be nice.  

The Earning more money and having it get cut off is where I focused next.  When I thought of this as a three parter, with Sadie getting into sex streaming in the third part, I initially was thinking that Sarah would force her into it.  But with the way I have Sarah in my head, I don't think that would be part of her plan.  At least not initially.  She'd have thought of this plan, to make Nick into Sadie and make 'her' into a sexy game streamer, that would pay everything Nick needed including transforming back.  So if that's true, then how does she get Sadie into sex streaming and keep her from being a maniacal bad guy?  I don't want Sarah to be THE bad guy.  She can have bad parts of her and is certainly a controlling part for Sadie, but I don't want her to be a villain.  So while I already have it in my head that Sarah herself is sex streaming (I don't know exactly what she's doing, but I've laid the hints out and want to stick with it), she didn't plan for this for Sadie.  

With that in mind, I now need to get Sadie from becoming a success into losing enough so that she's forced to go into the sex streaming role.  That's quite the financial journey.  I focused on that and came up with this:

  • Money starts coming in
  • Able to carry rent and other monthly bills
  • Amp up sexiness on social media accounts, make more money
  • Able to make payments toward computer equipment
  • Bondage scene during stream
    • Sarah helps by tying up between sessions, reminds sadie of devotional dream being tied to chair
    • Final scene has her tied down, hands stuck with controller, everything else immobile, Sarah is behind her, only her hands visible, rubbing over her lips breasts and other parts, VERY SEXY
  • Able to make payments toward medical bills
  • Gets offered sponsorship from major brand 
    • Sarah says to not do it, it will bring on a lot of scrutiny
    • Sadie decides to do it as it will boost her income up three fold, giving her enough to pay off all bills, pay all next semester bills, and 
  • Decide to splurge, buying car and getting it decked out in pink and anime and pre paying to have it painted back to normal
  • While at the con, get word that UsTube, Tremble, Instygram, Mobrush, FaceDeck, and TokTic all slap ‘adult’ on her streams, curtailing all funding.  

I think this could be a reasonable method to force Sadie into sex streaming.  It shows that Sarah's plan would have worked, that Sadie put herself in this situation, and while she could have been a success, she wanted to celebrate and her celebration is what pushed her back into the same debt hole that she was in before.  

Now, this financial progression plan would have to go through the entire second part.  I want to keep it as kind of the B plot though so that hopefully it will sneak up and be a "BAM!" point at the end.  Sadie won't realize, maybe not even until the third part, that her over sexualized bondage scene with Sarah is what turned off her possible sponsorship and her sponsorship reporting it to the services (UsTube, Tremble...) is what got her money cut off.  

With that part in mind, I needed the big tent pole points for this second part.   How do we get from where we left off, to Sarah and Sadie at the DragonCon.  

This I wanted to be four parts.  Maybe not necessarily 4 Acts, but 4 major points to hit.  What they boiled down to is this:

  • Start explaining late August to mid October (6 weeks)
  • Trip/Date/Sex with Marley
  • Daterape with Todd
  • Con

That, with the financial progression worked throughout would be the second part of Gamer Gurl. 

When I wrote those down, I still wasn't committed to her having sex with Marley or being raped by Todd.  But my next part was to write a more specific outline between explaining the 6 week gap, and the trip/date/sex with Marley.  And while doing that, I've decided... yes, Sadie is going to have sex with Marley.    I'm probably going to go with a blowjob as I've set up Marley as being "big" and anal sex wouldn't exactly be a good introduction with that size problem.   But I'd let that come through when I get to that point.   

I started writing out the detailed outline.   I'm not going to share it all here as it's ten pages in MS Word and I'm not even up to the point with Marley and Sadie, but I will share some of the highlights.  I basically wrote this out as individual scenes.  The scenes might be a single chapter, but will likely each be several chapters.   

  • First is explaining the gap
    • This will specifically cover how Sadie has progressed with Sarah, Louis, Marley, and Todd. 
    • By explaining those, I'll be updating how she's doing on streaming, on her finances, and at school.  
    • I have a lot of details to cover, but I'm thinking I might have Sadie talking about these things with Sarah while she's getting her belly button pierced.  That way it can be a remembrance and I can include or exclude as much detail as I want.  
  • Todd confronts Sadie
    • Part of the previous 'school' update will be Sadie forcing Todd to stop macking on her in the lab.  But here that gets reversed as Todd gets hurt, figures out that Sadie is Nick, and blackmails her.  
    • He initially says he can screw with her academics but Sadie will have a spine and try to stand up to Todd, saying he'll be destroyed if he reports that as she'll report him for sexual harrassment.  He then will reveal that he knows she's also Princess BabyDoll and threaten her finances.  
    • She's stuck, and accepts his terms, letting him continue to be 'the man' with her and sow all his friends that he has a sexy girlfriend.  
  • An exercise scene with Marley
    • This will show how her scenes with marley are, now that they're past the 'stretching' session and even into the feminizing exercises.  
    • It will also establish that he's broken up with his girlfriend (the girl that's been dropping him off and picking him up) and that he had been relying on her to get funding for a gym idea he had.  
    • Sadie, realizing that his problem sounds like her initial problem (being stuck behind a financial eight ball) offers to help.  To be the girl in Marley's business proposal. 
  • Friday night steaming
    • I'll use this to establish Sadie's new weekly streaming schedule and show how comitted she is to doing this professionaly and making money from it.  Part of that is that Friday streams are 'sexy fun' streams with her normally doing a dating sim.  
    • During the stream her audience focuses on setting up her dating sim to be with Louis and turns it into asking why she isn't seeing him any longer.  
    • Sadie will stop the stream, pull her audience with her, and visit Louis' stream.  Both their audiences say they should go out again, and they end up agreeing to go out again but not as a live stream event.  
  • Saturday meeting with Marley
    • Marley explains that his business proposal is that of an 'intimate touch' gym, much like what he does with Sadie.  That touching someone in an arousing way will actually help gym performance.  
    • He'll explain that he needs two things.  First, a video of him and 'his girl' to show off to a potential investor, and if the investor agrees, a meeting with the girl and the investor.  The investment is to be a million dollars to set up a physical location, train workers, and get the gym up and running for awhile.  
    • He admits that his girlfriend had agreed to be this part, but he'd found out that she was cheating on him.
    • Sadie agrees to help, but commits to doing it as a friend and not as any type of lover.   She's not to be a replacement for his girlfriend, just as the girl in the video and at the meeting with the investor.
    • He agrees and is overjoyed and then admits that he'll have to work past the sexual attraction.  Not that she's attracted to him, but that he is attracted to Sadie.  
  • That night with Sarah
    • They'll discuss Sadie's finances, showing that Sadie is doing better and catching up on repaying Sarah.  She'll also admit that being 'sexy' on her streams is directly paying her more and that she's going to up that in the future.  
    • She'll confess to the date with Louis and the arrangement with Marley, adding that she's constantly sexually aroused but doesn't want to get physical with either of them.  
    • This will lead to them discussing how Sadie has been more emotional and will lead them to talk about her physical changes, making them wonder if it's the hormones. They'll agree to talk with the hormone doctor.  
    • The whole conversation turns Sarah on, and she has sex with Sadie, but not letting Sadie have an orgasm
  • Sunday with Marley
    • Sarah shows Sadie a new chastity device that she's found, that will keep her erection free AND even lets her wear tight clothing (it's a real device I've found online
    • Sadie wears the new chastity device as it will make her look more feminine in her yoga pants.  She also adds a butt plug as it helps her move more femininely.  
    • Marley says he appreciates the new chastity device, noting specifically that he likes that it's not locked on, but says he can see the butt plug
      • Sexy scene with him pulling the butt plug out
    • Very sensual scenes with Marley going above and beyond in sexually touching Sadie, leaving them both aroused (she notes Marley's erection on more than one occasion).  
    • Marley admits to having more money than Sadie thought, including an expensive sports car, and admits he has two degrees, a masters in psychology and a bachelors in fitness or physical therapy
    • They edit the video in Sadie's room, both again getting aroused at the video and admitting that it should be easily successful in attracting the venture capital
    • Marley ends up kissing Sadie
  • A normal Monday and Tuesday
  • Wednesday
    • work out with Marley, still no word from investor
    • lab with Todd
      • Sadie gets used by Todd, this time in front of one of his 'Bros'
      • She feels very used
    • Goes home and gets teased by Sarah
      • Teases Sadie about her date with Louis and the sexy video with Marley that she saw (it was saved to the network drive), even wonders aloud if Sadie has another man in her life
      • Between being embarrassed by the close truth of Louis, Marley, and hitting on the nerve of another man (Todd), Sadie snaps and yells at Sarah, calling her bitch and cunt.  
    • They both stream but end early
    • Sarah sets up new devotional
      • Using realistic dildos of a black and white cock, makes Sadie give each a hand job, each a blow job, and finally performing both on both dildos at the same time
  • Date night with Louis
    • Louis calls in advance, changes the date to a halloween date where they can dress up together
    • Playfully hint at what she's dressing as by her finding the costume pieces and putting it together
    • Big reveal of it being Nurse Joy from Pokemon and Louis shows up as Brock from pokemon
    • They have a good date and end up at a costume party
      • Sadie notices both Todd and Marley are there, forcing her to stay close to Louis and be more affectionate than she intended, all just to keep hidden from Louis and Marley
      • Louis takes this as Sadie warming back up to him

That's as far as I've gotten.  I need to finish up the Halloween 'date' and then I think the next scene will be the big tent pole event.  The trip with Marley.  I'm picturing a flight where Sadie doesn't like to fly (maybe she falls asleep on Marley's shoulder, he snaps a pic, and inadvertently sets it up to post to her social media?).  They get into Vegas and Marley treats Sadie like a princess.  Sadie is very impressed especially when it becomes clear that he not only realizes she's a man (or at least has man parts) but is making sure her secret stays hidden.  I have a vague idea of a realistic temporary tattoo... I don't know why they'd get it yet, but I have a scene in mind where Marley gets the Ace of Spades and they talk about it's various meanings (Sadie thinking of the card of death, Marley thinking of the card of ambition).  Sadie tells the tattoo artist to give her a matching one, and shrugs saying maybe a queen of spades.  She confirms that it's what she wants, but she's thinking of it in turn of a card like the perfect black jack hand or even the beginning of a royal flush.... she doesn't realize the more sexual meaning and the tattoo artist, thinking that's what she wants, gives her the classic Spade with a Q in it, marking as a white woman who only sleeps with black men.  Marley recognizes it, and assumes Sadie knows what it means.  

The sex part I still have to work on.  I know they'll both end up inebriated, but I don't want them black out drunk.  I want this to be a tightrope, with Marley giving Sadie the chance to back out and refuse, Sadie feeling good and getting mixed signals from her own body with all the interracial devotionals she's had and her overwhelming built up arousal.  

While I still want to work on the scene in my head, I'm picturing something with Marley sitting down on a couch and Sadie on her hands and knees with her face above his erect cock.  Ya'll know I love having a man's hand run through a woman's hair while she gives head, so that will happen but it will NOT be him forcing Sadie down or her even thinking it's forced.  I want Marley to show he's interested in giving pleasure too, and seeing that Sadie is still locked in chastity (they've been on a plane so it will have to be mentioned in the past that it's an all plastic locking chastity cage).  So he gets his finger wet and slides it into her ass, banging her there while she gives him head.  

I think I even want this to be so hesitant and reluctant and confused for Sadie.  Along with Marley's size (I'm picturing him on the normal side of big, not the porntastic BBC that everybody's trained to expect.... maybe 8 inches long and 'thick'), she avoids putting him in her mouth, not ready to cross that line, but licks and kisses his manhood.  She ends up with her hands doing most of the work, jerking him off, and 'letting' him cum up onto her face.  

Again, I want this on the more realistic side.  I'm picturing her really freaking out having a face full of cum.  I picture Marley, post orgasmic bliss mode, finally realizing that not everything is right with Sadie and he graciously gets a wash cloth and washes her face clean... she never tastes his cum.  He remains gentlemanly, confirming that she hadn't done that before and in fact hadn't had any sexual contact with a man before.  He comforts her, promises that nothing else will happen tonight, and pulls her in bed with him for sleep.  She'll be in her panties, while he's naked.  

I don't know how to end that.  Do I want a 'morning after' or kind of fast forward to after that.  I'll also need to incorporate the meeting with the investor, but I don't want a lot of detail on that as it's background story.  

And that's the first third of the second part of Gamer Gurl.  The second part would bridge between that event and eventual date rape with Todd.  That will set up the three men in Sadie's life.  Louis is falling in love with her but thinks of her as a girl.  Marley is falling in love with her and knows she isn't a girl, but believes she wants to be.  Todd dislikes her and is specifically using her, and the date rape will be the 'crossing the line' point.  I'm still not sure if it will be anal or oral, but it will be more than fingers.  I'm leaning toward anal as that will feel less voluntary to Sadie (when being raped orally I imagine people wanting to bite down, and if they don't, they have problems thinking that they wanted it).  It will also force her into a more feminine role, as well as a weaker and submissive role.  

The final part will be bridging between the date rape and the Con.  That's where the real juggling will come in as I'll have story lines with Sarah (is she pushing Sadie?  helping her?  trying to pick one of the guys? trying to help her stay away from all of them?), story lines with Louis, story lines with Marley, story lines with Todd, and of course the streaming and financial story lines that will have to weave through it all.  

I think this will be interesting.  Kind of like the first part, it will hint at sex more than actually experience it.  And X rating as opposed to It's A Man's World XXX rating.  But that will give more room for Sadie's character growth and hopefully for people to see Sarah, Marley, and Louis as more complex people and not just the cardboard cutout parts.  

One last thing.  The title.  The working title right now is Gamer Gurl Part II (and yes, I like the roman numerals!).  But just like the first part ended up being Gamer Gurl: Origins, I want this to have a similar naming structure.  I just don't know what that will be.  I had some ideas before, but I didn't write them down.  It's particularly frustrating as I remember thinking it worked great as it matched the form and the style of 'Origins' and bridged the origin story of Sadie and the sexualization of Sadie's streaming.  But I didn't write it down and now I'm stuck thinking that no matter what I come up with, it will be 'less than'.  

I guess one other last thing.  After I wrote that paragraph I went to make a header graphic.  As long as I was making that, I decided I'd play around with an AI image generator to also make the CHYOA image.  For reference, here's what the last CHYOA image looked like:

So I used a couple AI image generators and found that GetImg.AI seemed to have the best ones.  Or at least the ones that matched what I wanted.  I started with something like "Gamer Girl with pink hair in two high ponytails at computer with plump lips looking nervous".  I immediately had to change 'Gamer Girl' to "Sexy Gaming Woman" as I don't want the image to even hint at underage (and the first batch more than hinted at that.  I added big breasts, and then hit the button for the AI to enhance the text before making the image.  It's weird as it really kind of worked great.  It added cyberpunk details that I edited out, but here's more or less what it came up with:

"Gaming goddess wearing a tight crop top over her large breasts immersed in a pink room, featuring a striking character with flowing pink hair styled in two dynamic ponytails high on her head. Her plump lips glisten under intricate makeup, and she's wearing a gaming headset adorned with glowing accents and attached cat ears. Her wide eyes reflect the screen's bright hues, revealing a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation as she dives into a virtual world filled with digital landscapes and glowing creatures. The scene is bathed in rich, vibrant color grading, creating a surreal atmosphere that combines elements of anime and pop art. The nighttime backdrop pixelated art enhancing the whimsical gaming fantasy."

The images became closer to what I was wanting.  Here are a selection of ones that were close:

That second image was almost perfect.  The only thing that stopped me from using it was her t-shirt.  I already have Sadie wearing tops that show off her breasts, so I thought it would be strange to have the header image with her wearing a t-shirt and not showing off her breasts.  I went a couple more variations and ended up with this:

It could be better, but that is VERY Sadie like.  Very Princess BabyDoll.  

With that in hand, I then start to make the header for this post.  Obviously, the easist thing to do is just use the image I spent 45 minutes with an AI to make.  BUT, that image is square and my header graphic is very landscape.  Even if I was okay cropping out most of the image, her face would be dead center and that wouldn't work with the Gamer Gurl Graphic/Font that I had with the past few posts.  

Since I'd been working with an AI image generator, it got me thinking that Photoshop has added an AI Generative fill.  So.... let's try that!  

I started with this:

That's about as cropped as I wanted, leaving out her cleavage and most of her headset ears.  I then simply selected all the 'blank' space to the left, right clicked, and selected generative fill.  It promted me with an optional "What would you like to generate".  I could have just clicked on generate, but instead I wrote "Pink Computer Room". 

It took like five seconds and it gave me this:

!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT !!!!!!!

Yes, anything closer than a quick scan says that this was created with AI.  The screens meshing together in the middle, the items on the desk that aren't quite computer equipment nor are they.... what are those things?... and of course the desk changing color from off white to pure pink.  But considering it's just going to be the background and that it follows with everything else that was already in the background of the AI generated image.... WOW!

The last bit of trivia is the title.  I mentioned above that the working title will be Gamer Gurl Part II.  Specifically that I liked the roman numeral for Part II.  Yeah... but not in this font.  It looks kind of like I'm saying this is the eleventh part, not the second part.  I actually played around with different fonts for longer than it took to generate the extended background, but realized hardly anybody is going to see this and it really doesn't matter. 

I just wanted to add this last part to the post and share how impressed I was with both the AI generated image and the photoshop AI generated background.  

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