Sunday, June 9, 2024

Writing Update

nullI've been away on vacation as I wrote about in my previous postprevious post, and haven't written a thing since May 10th.  But that's not to say writing hasn't been on my mind.  If you're interested, come inside and read about a tumblr idea I have, where I stand on It's A Man's World, on the next part of Gamer Gurl, and even thoughts I had on the secretary story I had going You're Not The Boss Of Me!

First, the tumblr story.  I had found this image a few days before I left and had a basic idea.  A guy stays around a neighborhood after graduating high school (establishing him as over 18) where he helps out the local moms.  Slowly they feminize him and he ends up looking like the blow image: 

When I thought of the story I imagined him being dominated by the 'moms' and even came up with the term "Dommy Mommys".  I then came across the below image and thought I'd use it as an inspiration point.  The image won't fit what I want, but the chair will be used on our feminized heroine with the Dommy Mommys taking turns sitting in the chair:

That's basically where I left off as the idea wasn't fully formed and I wasn't ever in the writing mood.  I knew it would go up on tumblr as it would be relatively short.  

But while I was on vacation, the idea kept coming back to me, and I kept adding more details.  He's the oldest 'kid' in the neighborhood by far so part of helping out is taking care of the 5 and 6 year-olds.  I imagined him being home alone with his parents on vacation.  Maybe even a single parent situation with a mom who doted on him or a dad who practically ignored him.... setting him up for wanting the attention of the Dommy Mommys even more.  Either way, him being alone opens him up to staying over with the Dommy Mommys and/or they're able to stay over with him and continue his feminization/torment/delight all night long. 

Eventually he's helping out all the time in his femme guise, half of his help being legitimate (babysitting, cleaning, shopping...) and half of it being sexual (strapped into the chair, serving the Dommy Mommys during a book club meeting...).  And then there's the part that just sent it over into full on squirmy territory for me.  At one point he'll be strapped in the chair, his fat made up lips and chin coated with the Dommy Mommy's juices when her husband walks in.  He mentions that he and his wife share everything, and proving it by saying he appreciated having a sexy girl around to be used by his wife and Dommy Mommy.  He then sits down, and while feeding the femmed up supposed subby girl his cock says he's going to introduce 'her' to all the Dommy Daddys in the neighborhood!   

Now, I could imagine this being a longer story.  Something that would be between the lengths of Thesis and It's Not Fair.  The biggest problem is a natural stopping point.  Does he get roped into being used by the Dommy Daddys?  Does he like it?  Do they know his gender secret?  Does he go to college?  If so, as a boy or a girl?  

I think what I'll do is write it up as a far shorter tumblr post, glossing over a lot of the delicious details I could flesh out in a longer story and just getting the main thrust of the story out there.  

It's A Man's World
I still have the outline and plan on how to end this.  Surprisingly I didn't think about this story much while on vacation.  I'd have thought that this would be on my mind a lot but I kept going to other stories and imagining either fun little scenes, or whole broad sections.  

Gamer Gurl
I thought a lot about the next part of Gamer Gurl.   As I've said, I will make an outline so that the story stays more cohesive.  One thing I thought about, but it's tough to do if I'm writing out on CHYOA, is to start at the end of the part with Sadie being filmed in a sexual situation for her online fans.  I have this little video clip of a 'gamer girl' like cam girl.  She's tied to her headboard while a machine thrusts a dildo in and out of her mouth.  The screen has a Twitch like overlay with people chatting and donating cash and one of them seem to be controlling the dildo machine, making it thrust faster, deeper, and eventually orgasming, filling her mouth with some cum like substance.  I could start there as a 'prologue' and end it with something like "How did I get here?"  The next chapter would then pick up where Gamer Gurl: Origins left off and start the progression forward.  

I think, time wise, I know where the second portion of Gamer Gurl will take place.  I basically did a week or two transforming Nick to Sadie.  The next part will be all of that semester and end either just before or after the trip to the con.  

Big strokes for the story.  Sadie is going to get more feminine that she or even Sarah intended.  I already set it up so that she's overdosing on hormones.  I'm going to have her plastic surgeon take a long vacation (a month?  Two?) so their trusted medical advisor won't be there to question and to recommend that they stop the hormones.  By the time the semester is half over, Sadie will be up another cup in size, her curves will be more evident, she'll need new clothes.... and her emotions will be all over the place!  I want that to be one of the big themes as she tick tocks between liking the new 'her' and wanting to return to the old 'him'.  

I plan for there to be progress on three of the man fronts.  She's going to forgive Louis, stream with him more, and even go out with him again.  This will be the most 'normal' relationship for Sadie.  At one point I want Louis to state his intentions, that he likes Sadie and would like to have a more intimate relationship, but that he respects her boundaries and is happy to at least be friends and streaming buddies.  I don't know how far that relationship will go, but I don't plan for there to be direct sex between Louis and Sadie.  Marley will continue to be Sadie's trainer, moving from just stretching and exercises and moving into actual feminization.  He'll focus on things like standing, sitting, walking, and even sleeping.  He'll encourage her to be feminine in every way that she can.  

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before or not, but I'm going to have Marley take Sadie out.  I've established that he has a girlfriend, but they'll break up at one point and he'll need a date for an important business meeting.  I'm picturing meeting some investors in a planned gym he wants and he's already established with them that he has a stable relationship.  After breaking up with his girl he doesn't want to make it look like he was lying, so he'll get Sadie to step in.  I can picture it easily being a 'date gone too far' situation.  The investors are 'brahs' and ply Marley and 'his girl' with alcohol.  Obviously Sadie gets drunk due to her size, but Marley gets more than a little inebriated as he doesn't drink normally and has no tolerance.  They'll be forced to stay together overnight... too much drinking to drive, missed flight back home, lost wallet/purse... which will put them into the same room.  

I'm picturing one of two scenarios from there.  They're in the room together inebriated.  Marley just follows his normal motions and gets undressed, slipping under the covers naked.  Sadie, without any night clothes, strips to her panties and bra and lies next to him ON the covers.  When she wakes up she's been pulled under the covers and finds herself the small spoon, with Marley's cock nestled up against her ass crack.  It'll be an OMG! moment, but nothing more will happen.  

The other scenario is similar, but they don't fall asleep before Marley starts treating Sadie as 'his girl' in bed.  Neither of them are completely drunk, but their inhibitions are lowered.  Marley admits that he's attracted to Sadie and Sadie, turned on as she is by Sarah's machinations and the hormones, succumbs to Marley's advances, eventually going into a kind of 69 position where she blows Marley (can barely fit him into her mouth, nowhere near getting him in her throat), and he plays with her locked away clitty and gets her off through the cage.... basically a ruined orgasm that doesn't sate Sadie's lust.  

I haven't moved past that and don't know what the morning or anything past that 'date' would look like in either scenario though.  Would he continue to be her trainer?  Would Sarah take advantage?  Would Sadie submit to it as she's basically being taught to be submissive to him?  I don't know, but either way they'd be 'closer' to each other afterward and it wouldn't be a completely 'bad' memory for Sadie.  

And then there's Todd.  If Louis is the 'good' relationship for Sadie and Marley is the 'good or bad' relationship for her, Todd is the bad relationship.  B.A.D.  He's going to become one of the villains.  He's going to find out first that Sadie is a streamer, that she's Princess BabyDoll.  But then after he keeps pressing her for more and more sexual contact, he's going to find out that she's Nick.  He'll be upset and angry with her and just as equally turned on and aroused by her.  He'll use it as blackmail and go out with her, forcing her into a BJ.  

I don't know if this is going to be a one off where he'll do it, take the sexual gratification, and then leave her alone and just tease her with it forever.  He could also continue it, but I can't imagine Sadie being willing to sit back and be blackmailed.  Nor can I imagine Sarah letting it happen. IF Todd tries to continue it, I have it in my head that they'll ruin him in a way that he can't expose Sadie and then has to leave the school.  

I'll be honest, I like both directions.  In the first, with the one time and done, Sadie gets someone who knows 'her' that is mean and puts her down.  He would be a constant reason for her self esteem to be low.  She'd also be constantly nervous about school and it might affect her classes... threatening the very reason she's doing any of this.  On the flip side, it could be an empowering story.  Sure, she gets taken advantage of, but then she (through Sarah and maybe Marley) gets to spread her wings and use her feminine power for good, putting a bad man in his place.  It would inspire her to stay femme and embrace it.  

I don't know, I'll have to think more on it.  I just know he'll be the 'bad guy' for Sadie, leaving Marley to be more of a mystery and Louis a 'good guy'.  

For individual scenes, I don't have a lot here.  I picture with Sadie's breasts getting bigger and bigger, its going to be a problem at one point.  She'll be shaking or shimmying, making sure her audience has a good view of her cleavage, when her bra snaps in back, giving her FAR more jiggle than she was expecting.  Of course while it's embarrassing for her, her audience goes absolutely NUTS for it and Sara convinces her to go braless sometimes as it will increase her tips.  

I also picture a scene with her having to get new clothes and realizing just how far she's come as she's picking out outfits that feel safe to her, less sexy, and realized they are MORE sexy than she had started with.  Bare midriffs, short short skirts, curve hugging tops, lots of cleavage.  

You're Not The Boss Of Me!
This is where most of my thoughts were on the vacation.  I'll freely admit here at the beginning that I don't have nearly as much specifics from my musings.  Not general story line nor actual scenes.  I just really thought about how the forced secretary would go.  How I'd pick up on ideas from other secretarial stories and still make it my own.  

One specific scene I got actually came from flipping through the channels and seeing that Pat Sajak was leaving Wheel of Fortune.  The office puts on a 'Wheel of Fortune' night and the subject is chosen to play the part of Vanna White.  Up on stage, dressed more classy than she has been in the office but still overtly sexy, having to play hostess to a guy in the office (could be her boss, or another man that's after her).  

I also kind of went down the path of how her relationship would go with her roommate.  I'd want to read my notes of course, but I think I had the roommate getting blackmailed into keeping up appearances with the secretary.  Basically being forced to force the guy into more and more feminine appearances.  Does she get turned on by it?  Seeing a domme side of herself that she didn't realize she had?  Does she get a lesbian appeal out of it?  Does she get closer to her, thinking of her has her friend?  Does the roommate get bitter, hating that she has to do it and taking out her frustration on the feminized secretary?  It's something I don't think I'd gone over before, but would be a fun way to continue the friend's storylines.  

There's also the therapist.  I thought about the therapist going on the more aggressive side.  Suggesting that the feminized secretary take more and more feminizing risks.  Hormones, surgeries, activities.  And of course, the subject will go along thinking that she HAS to do it, and each action taken will empower the therapist to go further and harder.  

And finally, the HR guy.  I picture him being completely in the role of protecting the corporation.  He's set up a good working situation where the boss won't sexually harass his secretary, the feminized secretary won't leave, and the manager friend will help.  When the boss turns the blackmail around, the HR guy will acknowledge its happening, but will state that it doesn't affect the corporation as the blackmail is quite effective and protects the corporation.  This will screw with the mindset of both the secretary herself and her room mate manager friend, truly making them both feel trapped.  

I also thought about starting this up along side the next part of Gamer Gurl.  I could do both at the same time as the writing would be coming from two different places.  The only thing that would be bad is that it would slow both down.  I'd be updating them half as often.  

I think that's it for now.  I'll write the Dommy Mommy story next, then get back to It's A Man's World.  I won't make a commitment to Gamer Gurl or You're Not The Boss Of Me or both after that until I'm a lot closer to being finished with It's A Man's World.  

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