Monday, June 10, 2024

Dommy Mommy Problems

Yeah, who would have thought that thinking about a story for two weeks and really getting into it would cause a problem.  Come on in and let me explain.  

I mentioned in yesterdays post that I had this image and a quick idea of a guy getting dominated and feminized by a neighborhood full of women.  They'd be called his Dommy Mommys.  

Quick aside, Blogger seems to be screwing up adding links to words.  I've noticed it's copied the words so that they appear twice, even though I didn't see that before publishing and I've noticed a "null" when I make an image a link (like the title graphics).  So, if you see random odd problems around links, just know that I'm aware, upset, and can't do much to fix it.  Carry on.  

Okay, so I had that idea banging around in my head.  It even came to me in my dream last night.  I didn't dream of being the subject or a bystander or anything in the actual story, but I dreamed about telling someone about the story and them getting excited about it.  When morning rolls around I dive right in and start writing it.  Since I initially suspected it would be a normal tumblr post, I just went with my gut and told the story that I had in my head, adding little fun flourishes when they came to me.  

About halfway through, long before even coming to the chair, which was a part I absolutely wanted to explore for a bit, I realized this would be long for a tumblr post.  Looking back on it later, my "longish" posts on tumbler are between 1000 and 2000 words.  This was already over 2500 words.  So I shifted it in my head and figured it would be an Obscura.  I've had longer obscura before, so no biggie.  I kept writing.  

When I came to the chair, I couldn't help it and started to rush.  I wanted it done and felt that I was already skipping a lot of fun parts.  I figured I might come back and write this out as a far longer story, but for now I just wanted it to be done.  When I finished though, I counted it and it's a whopping  4,778 words!  

To put that in scale, if I were adding this to CHYOA, that would be two chapters.  And again, I rushed it.  I know there are fun scenes I could write.  I basically ignored the dads up until the 'Dommy Daddy' ending, and it would be far better if they were peppered in throughout the whole story.  How would Melanie feel when she sees one of the Dads looking at her lustfully.  Would the Mommys tease her about it?  Would she imagine it on her own, or be lead into thinking about being with them?  How about having one of the Mommy's have to travel and Melanie has to be caretaker for the Daddy for a couple days, with him getting VERY comfortable with Melanie?  All of those little things would add a lot to the story and give a lot more punch to the last bit with Dallas.  I mean, it'd be far clearer that she knows all of the Dads and that they all find her attractive.  Hell, I only named two of the Dads.  

And speaking of names... I'm not sure what got me on the theme, but all the kids have names starting with M, all the dads have names starting with D.  I even gave Matt's mom a vacation to a bunch of M named cities in Europe.  

Anyway, now that I'm done, I'm not quite sure what I want to do with this.  For a comparative size, Opals and Pearls, my first story written specifically as a story (or rather, a Fable), was only just over 6,000 words.  If I just went back, gave this a polish and peppered the daddys throughout, I'm sure I'd get this up over 7,000 words.  Is it a full on Fable at that point?  And again, I can imagine going into this and diving FAR deeper with many more specific scenes.  This could easily be 50,000 words.  

So, where does that leave me?  I definitely wanted to share it, but it's too long for tumblr, and doesn't quite fit the Obscura model.  It's not finished or polished enough to be a Fable though and almost serves as an outline to that finished project.  

I ended up posting it to my other blog like an obscura.  I'll link to it from tumblr and twitter and other places.  I'll also add a link to this post, so people can see that I have a lot more in mind about it.  I'd continue on this path, but I really want to get back to It's A Man's World and Gamer Gurl.  Maybe this will be the next project in line!  

Anyway, let me know what you thought of the story.  Do you think its finished or does it feel only partially done.  

Oh, and oddly I found out that I wasn't the first to come up with "Dommy Mommy".  Yesterday someone posted a short animation by Sleepy Gimp.  I like their art and was perusing it and found a comic where they used "Dommy Mommy" years ago.  I must have seen it and had it stuck in the back of my head.  I'm not going to change it as the term has obvious weight in the story, but I wanted to at least acknowledge I'm not as clever as I thought!  

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