Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Music

I talked earlier this year about how much I love music, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that I really enjoy a good old fashioned Christmas Carol.

Before I go into talking about that though, lemme catch you up on a few things that's been going on.  I'd mentioned earlier that I got hired in by the state and was wondering if I'd get holiday pay for Veteran's Day.  It turns out that I did NOT get holiday pay for that.  You see, as a State Employee I did not work my previously scheduled day.

Let that sink in for a moment.

I did not get the holiday pay for a state recognized holiday because I DID work my previously scheduled day but not as a State Employee.  Just a little bit of 'Bah Humbug' to welcome me to the group.

I also talked a bit about my upcoming hunting trip.  The trip was a blast, and like any good adventure turned out completely different from what we planned.  We ended up going to the Manistee National Forrest in northern Michigan and stayed in a Cabin that a neighbor owns and rented us. Our original plan was to use the Cabin as a base of operations, but to actually spend the night outside.  My friend is into a lot of survivalist 'stuff' and one thing that has his interest is sleeping in Hammocks.  Yes... cold weather Hammocking.  You see when you sleep up off of the ground you don't have to fight against the cold COLD ground.  You add in a lot of insulation, a great mummy style sleeping bag, and a tarp above it to keep the wind out and you can sleep outside at temps well below freezing.

The problem with that plan?  Well, we were planning on temps in the low 30s to the mid 20s... When we got to the cabin it was 16.  We did set up the hammocks, but even in the heat of the afternoon (temps up in the upper teens!) it was just to damned cold.

The weekend was still great and we got to see the forest covered in snow.  We saw plenty of deer tracks but not a single live dear.  If we go next year we have a place picked out for a blind that seems to be right in the middle of the deer's nightly trip from their bed to their morning water.

Anyway... on to the music.

My first memory of Christmas music was my mother playing Christmas Records (yes... vinyl records on a record player!) while we decorated the tree.  The one record that really stood out to me was the 'Disco Christmas' album.  Oh. My. God.  It was nearly as bad as it sounds, but it may well have started me on my own Christmas Music Journey.  You see, while I enjoy many 'classic' Christmas songs, I really get a kick out of new takes on these classics.

I believe what really spurred me on in purchasing my own Christmas music was my family's taste in seasonal tunes.  Most of my extended family (aunts, uncles and the sort) listen to both kinds of music... country AND western:

I guess country music fits in with a lot of Christmas time cheer.  The 'Country Holiday' theme weaves its way through decorations, dinner menus, and gifts.  But while I appreciate most music, I just don't think of the country style when I think the of the holidays.  Christmas, to me at least, comes in several styles;  Classical, Crooner, Modern, Quirky.  So in 2005 I began searching for and buying songs that said Christmas to me.

I now have 65 Christmas songs, but only 33 qualify as the 'best'.  Searching for Christmas music is like any other musical search... sometimes I like it in the preview only to realize I dislike it in the playlist.  Now I could share these songs in many ways... from displaying them in order that I selected, to listing them from 'favoritist to almost favoritists'.  But I believe the best way is to show them in each of their sub genres as I am constantly trying to flesh out each of these areas.  So....

(one last caveat before I begin the list... many of the songs I have in my playlist are VERY specific versions.  While I'll try to get videos that are exact matches, sometimes I'll have to play a similar version.  If it's too different from what I have I'll try to let you know why I like MY version over the displayed selection.  Also, the actual videos have nothing to do with my selections.  They are just the easiest way to share the music itself.)


While a couple of these could actually be considered classical music, I use this category to put any song played in a classical style.  If the Boston Pops plays 'Jingle Bells', then it's classical.

"Angels We Have Heard On High" by the Westminster Cathedral Choir

While I'm not a religios fellow, I can't deny that the majority of Christmas music involves singing about God, Jesus, Mary and Angels.  And of course hearing many of these songs make me feel as though I were sitting in a pew hearing a church choir.  This is the exact version of this song that I listen to and I get shivers every time I listen to it.

"Joy To The World" by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

How can you have a Christmas music list without 'Joy To the World'.  Much like 'Angels We Have Heard On High', I get shivers when I hear all these voices singing together.

"Sleigh Ride" by the Boston Pops Orchestra

I believe this song is really what sets me in that 'Classical' Christmas mood.  Yes it's a very modern song (composed in 1948 I believe), but the Boston Pops rocks this out year after year.  And any version of this song that doesn't include that whip sound just isn't good enough!

"Carol of the Bells" by the United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus

This is one of those songs that honestly kind of haunt me.  Yes, the song's lyrics are quite festive and cheerful, but it's presentation is almost sad.

"Good King Wenceslas" by Choir of Westminster Abbey

I can't find my particular version of this song as it's by the far lesser known 'Christ Church Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys, Indianapolis'.  But this is close.  I really like this version with just the male voices straining in the higher registers.

"Mary's Boy Child" by Charlotte Church

Charlotte Church has an absolutely AMAZING voice.  I could listen to her singing the phone book.  Hearing her voice fly around the clouds is just magical and this song is so hard to skip past any time I hear it.  Charlotte has another song in my list, but the arrangement puts it into another category.  I also have this same song later, but by one of my favorite crooners.

Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah by George Frideric Handel performed by Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

I don't believe this is actually a Christmas song in the most literal sense, but it is about the Messiah and I first heard it in a Christmas concert.  This version by the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields (one of my favorite classical groups by the way!) is just amazing.  I listen to this song year round, but it takes on a special meaning this time of year.

That's my 'Classical' selection.  Now let's move on to the Crooners!


Whenever I hear the term 'Crooners' I think of Frank Sinatra and the rat pack.  Some of this list is representative of that, but I also lump in a lot of 50s and 60s Christmas music here as they really all have the same feel.  At least to me.

"O Holy Night" bv Andy Williams

Andy Williams OWNS Crooner Christmasville in both Caitlyn and Calvin Country.  His voice just exudes that powerful strength and timber that make you stop and listen.

"Sleigh Ride" by Andy Williams

Admittedly this version doesn't have the whip sound, but how can you not bop your head in time and smile along with the backup singers singing "Jing A Ling, Jing Jing A Ling" merrily in the background!?

"Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley

I mentioned the Disco Christmas earlier, but Elvis was also always a selection in my parent's home.  So of course they had a scratched up, often played, record of Elvis singing this (now) classic.

"A Holly Jolly Christmas" by Burl Ives

Burl Ives.  Enough said.

"Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" by Dean Martin

As I love the snow, this has to be one of my favorite sentiments from Christmas songs.  And Dean Martin sings it with all that Rat Pack glory that we all expect from him.

"Mary's Little Boy Child" by Andy Williams

I had a previous version of this from Charlotte Church, and while I adore the power of her voice, her version comes in second when compared to Andy Williams.  Mr Christmas certainly has the gravitas to pull this off!

"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" by Brenda Lee

I do love this song.  Really.  But if there is one song that I can get sick of during the holiday season it has to be this.  Why... WHY does this have to play in every store and on every radio station!?

"Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me)" by Elvis Presley

A happy Elvis Christmas song!  Whenever I hear this I just can't stop my head from bopping around and my shoulders from swinging back and forth.  And if I'm standing up, I swear my hips get a little of that Elvis magic too!

"Feliz Navidad" by José Feliciano

I remember singing this in elementary school.  If I am remembering it correctly, my class and I were singing this while also 'performing' it in American Sign Language.  I wonder if we offended any latio deaf people in the audience?   Oh wait... yeah I went to an almost all white school.  Nevermind.  It's still a great Christmas song that I can crank to full volume while driving to work.

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Andy Williams

Yup... it's Andy again.  In all of it's 60s glory, this is a fine example of 'Classic' Christmas.  On a side note, this has nothing to do with Disney or Mickey Mouse (so far as I know), but this video had the best audio quality.

"O Come All Ye Faithful" by Ella Fitzgerald

This has to be one of my favorite versions of this song.  Ella's voice is just so strong and soulful that it can bring a tear to my eye.

"The Chipmunks Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" by The Chipmunks

Yeah... I can admit that I really do enjoy the Chipmunks Christmas song.  It's not that I enjoy the music itself... it's just that it speaks to that little boy that I was so many years ago.   I couldn't find the version I have on my computer (with the various 'original' versions, the recent movie version and the Glee versions all hogging up the youtube bandwidth), so I had to create this one especially for posting.

"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" by The MGM Studio Orchestra

How can anybody NOT get gobs and gobs of enjoyment out of this song.  I mean... just a quick sample of the lyrics:

You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel
Your brain is full of spiders
You've got garlic in your soul
I wouldn't touch you with a Thirty-nine and a half foot pole
You have termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
The three best words that best describe you... STINK! STANK! STUNK!
Your hearts a dead tomato squashed with moldy purple spots
With a noxious super nos
You're a crooked jerky jockey
You're a three-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich, With Arsenic Sauce

Now THAT'S all about the Christmas spirit! HA!


There aren't to many modern Christmas songs that I really like.  I always feel that Christmas is steeped in tradition and feel it belittles the holiday when an up and coming pop star tries to make a NEW tradition.  That being said, I DO enjoy the occasional modern artist's take on traditional songs:

"Ding Dong! Merrily On High" by Charlotte Church

Yes, I could easily qualify this in the 'Classical' selection seeing as it includes Charlotte's amazing operatic voice... but there is just something about the almost pop style arangement that makes it seem more appropriate here.  I really do like how it changes key several times giving each new part a new and separate feel.

"Little Drummer Boy" by Pentatonix

I actually just came across this song a few days ago, but it will certainly sit in my fave list for years to come.  It's a wonderful modern take on a classic song.  I almost missed out on this gem because of all things... politics.  A facebook friend posted a link about the song, but instead of the link going to a youtube version, it went to a Glen Beck website... EWWW.  Thankfully I powered through the hateful website long enough to hit play.  OH... and if you are a fan of Glen Beck;  well I just don't care.  I hate him.

"Christmas Canon" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

I know, I know... I just got done saying I don't like 'new' Christmas songs.  But come on... a Christmas song based on Pachelbel's Cannon in D and utilizing a children's choir?

"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / We Three Kings" by Barenaked Ladies with Sarah McLachlan

This was one of my first Christmas song purchases.  I remember that I initially tried to avoid it, but it's catchy bluesy swing just kept sneaking into my brain and wouldn't let go.  To this day it's the one real Christmas song that stays in my playlist all year long.

"The Christmas Song (TONAL Remix)" Jimmy McGriff

This is the epitome of 'modern' takes on a classic.  I'm not sure who Jimmy McGriff is/was, nor am I familiar with his version of this song, but the TONAL remix version is the one that caught my eye (ear?), and has me dancing along any time I hear it.  Oh... and I have no idea who these people are... I'm just happy that they used this song in their YouTube video!


I'm always torn on this category.  I do love tradition, but there's just something special about hearing an 'out of the box' take on some songs.  Some are great on their own, while others actually enhance the original version.  Either way, they all  have a unique sound and I love them for that.  

"Walking In a Winter Wonderland" Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

This is another song that I had to make a video of as there doesn't seem to be one on YouTube.  While 'Walking In a Winter Wonderland" is a great song I think it really shines and swings in this Bosa Nova version.

"Santa Bring My Baby Back" by The Reverend Horton Heat

Another one that I can't find a video for (well, there's a one minute tattoo parlour comercial, but one minute of this treat just isn't enough!).  I'm torn on whether I like this version or Elvis' more... and that has to say a lot as I love the Elvis original!

"We Three Kings" by The Reverend Horton Heat

A great instrumental version of a classic that takes the song in a whole new direction.  This one is great for listening to in the car while speeding down the road (unless it's snowing... then it's just awful!)

"Jingle Bells" by The Brian Setzer Orchestra

As you can probably tell I like how these nouveau swing bands take on classics.  And really Brian Setzer does a great job of swinging out Jingle Bells as well as adding his own take on the lyrics.   I only wish I could find a traditional version of Jingle Bells that I like so I could add a little contrast.

Anywho... these are some of my favorite Christmas Songs.  I listen to them fairly often while alone since most people can't stand my taste in music.  Oh they're sure to chime in when they hear one of 'my' songs that they DO enjoy, but they'll just as easily dismiss the rest of my selections.

I should post again before Christmas, but just in case I don't I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season!


  1. My mom always listened to Elvis' Blue Christmas album (we actually had the blue vinyl version) and Barbra Steisand's Christmas album when she would put up the tree. I'll try to listen to them before the Christmas season is over.

    My favorite of the classic crooner songs is Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song". Can't get much more perfect than that in my opinion.

    I plan on posting some of my favorites again this year on my blog, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention one of my all time favorites, Riu Chiu by The Monkees. Its totally a Cappella and they did it in ONE friggin take!

    1. I have Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song" as part of my collection, and agree that it's a great song. I love his voice and it's very traditional... I just don't really like the arrangement. I think the violins are a little over the top. Nat's voice should reign supreme, and they always seem to butt in and demand attention.

      I really like that Monkey's song you linked to. While I understand in my head that it's a Christmas song, it just doesn't resonate that way for me. I may snag it though and add it to my everyday playlist. They really do rock it out a Cappella!

    2. I can understand why it doesn't resonate as a Christmas song for you. When I first heard it, I had seen their Christmas episode, where a rich boy (Butch Patrick aka Eddie Munster) is very grownup acting and they try to get him to be like a boy, and he only really misses his mother who goes away to Europe. They end up getting everything resolved and sing Riu Chiu at the end .. then they introduce everyone on the crew at the set during the credits for those people who couldn't make it home for Christmas .. at least their families could see them on the TV!
