Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It's a Man's World - Final Stretch

The end is in sight!

When I thought of the story that's become "It's a Man's World", I initially had two parts.  The first would be in what became the Free Union of Western Nations.  A vastly advanced society where women were expected to do everything they could to have children.  The second would be what became the Alliance of Mishigami People, a less advanced society that 'worshiped' women by continually having sex with them.  Only later did I want to add a darker part that ended up becoming Gilead.  

At that point, I assumed it would be about three parts.  FUoWN, Gilead, Mishigami.  But now I realize that was naïve.  I have about 10 chapters of FUoWN.  I have about 10 chapters of Gilead.  And as of now, I have about 18 chapters of Mishigami.  I could say it would be 'two parts' with a pre Mishigami and post Mishigami, but I'm just not two chapters away from finishing the story.  I knew I needed more, and I still had several 'scenes' in my head that I wanted to flesh out, so yesterday I started on a new outline that would take me from Joy in the library to the end.  

There were a couple themes that I wanted to work in.  First, was Joy becoming overwhelmed with sex.  This would most well past the 'OH NO I HAVE TO HAVE SEX' stage and into the 'OH NOT AGAIN!' stage.  It would also be enough that her revulsion at having sex at a woman would be overpowered by the pleasure it was giving her.  She'd still feel embarrassment, but she'd be able to get over it.  The other theme was repetition.  If I really wanted to hammer this home, I'd have her stay there for a season.  The full summer.  I even set that up with Atticus saying that they'd have to stay for months, but I don't think I want it to go quite that far.  

If you haven't kept track with my 'Update' posts, I write a bit about my writing process in those.  In the last one from May 12th I talked about the end.  I'd been fuzzy on how or even IF Joy would get back to her time.  Would she be successful?  Would she find she enjoyed being a woman?  Well... the outline made me answer that.  

Without further ado, here's the outline for the rest of "It's a Man's World".  The last chapter I wrote (38 on CHYOA), Joy had just got the job in the library, so it picks up there.  

  • Remainder of day (6/12/2700)
    • Has to have sex with Montana
      • Montana proves to be an intellectual, shows his ‘true fire’ way of helping women by quickly giving Joy sex 
      • Involves undressing, oral sex (reminds Joy to improve her deep throating for her own benefit), anal sex (facing away like doggy), vaginal sex (facing each other like missionary). 
      • It’s VERY effective
    • Gets car ride home (reminds Joy of Uber)
      • Has to be called by a man, who sets it up
      • Montana calls ride, sets up for sexually stimulating ride
        • Ride involves soundtrack of sex, pheromones, vibrating seat, and toys that Joy is ‘free to use’. 
        • She avoids the toys, but is incredibly turned on when she gets home
    • Sterling greets her
      • Congratulatory blow job
        • Sterling claims it will help sate her sexual desire as well as help establish home life where serving her man is more important than job. 
    • Make dinner
      • Bradley and Kylan come over
      • Repeat of previous night, serving ‘guests’, making dinner, serving dinner, cleaning up, rewarding sex this time includes bondage
    • Sleep with Bradley all night
  • Next day 0 6/13/2700
    • Bradley takes shower
      • Invites Joy into shower.  
      • He goes down on her, she goes down on him
    • Makes breakfast for Bradley
      • Similar to Sterling, make breakfast, serve it, clean
    • Bradley states its his day off and he’ll be around for Joy
      • Turns Sterling off
      • Guides Joy in ‘intimate lesson’ 
        • Has chin guide to count successful deep throats
        • Has head guide to limit how far back Joy can go, is ever so slowly pushing her further onto dildo as training session goes on
      • Accepts joy giving him a blowjob after training
    • Bradley drives joy into work and drops her off
    • Montana gives Joy a tour
      • Shows her where the history section is, including pre ‘event’ books
    • Montana states he’s busy and lets Joy wander, but joy sees Mr. Savidge looking at her suspiciously, so she asks Montana for sex
      • Specifically asks for sex that won’t tie up Montana as he’s busy
      • Montana sets up Joy behind front desk
        • Joy is tied up in position, crouching down, collar and headband holding her back against desk, ring gag holding her mouth open
        • Vibrating toys are inserted into Joy, anal and vaginal, that are keyed to go off when there is someone on the other side of the desk
        • Montana seems pleased, assuming that Joy will enjoy herself as today is a monthly ‘book return day’
        • Montana unzips fly and slides into Joy’s mouth, then starts working
          • Eventually customers come to return books.  Each stand on other side of desk, activating Joy’s toys, for about 1 or 2 minutes. 
        • Montana has to step away after 30 or so minutes
          • Another customer comes, and another library employee comes to help, unzipping himself and inserting himself into Joys mouth as her toys go off. 
        • This repeats for the rest of the day.  Half of the men get off while working.  The other half all come up at the end of the day and ‘let’ Joy finish them off.   
        • The toys are never enough for Joy, leaving her hot and bothered and incredibly aroused. 
    • Montana calls car for Joy
      • She’s to tired and distracted with arousal to ask about yesterdays car ride, so she gets another dose.  
    • Has to make dinner for Kylan and Bradley
      • Tries to keep it ‘family friendly’ with Kylan there
      • Repeat of previous dinners, serve guests, prep dinner, serve dinner, clean
    • So aroused that she succumbs and asks Bradley for sex ‘like the other night’ 
      • Bradley obliges, giving Joy many orgasms
      • Goes to sleep with her, kissing the top of her head saying that he wants the weekend to go on forever
  • Next day 6/14/2700
    • The start of repetition
      • Shower with Bradley
      • Breakfast for Bradley
      • Intimate training
      • Drive into library
      • Quick sex with Montana
    • First look at history section
      • Goes backward in time
        • Modern nations established 2615
        • Fusion technology found 2532, weapon made, FUWN formed and isolated to prevent further technological horrors
        • Angel city permanently abandons shelter 2440
        • Rockford Shelter opens doors for first time in 2287
        • 2046 shelters closed off due to ‘disaster’
    • Montana offers ride home
      • Buckles joy in, including sex toy that will tease Joy all the way home
    • Get home, have to cook dinner for Bradley, Sterling, Montana, Atticus, and Catty
    • Rewarded with gang bang
      • Initially catty excuses herself, leaving Joy with all four men
      • When Catty returns, she takes Atticus and Sterling, leaving Bradley and Montana for Joy
  • Next day 06/15/2700
    • Repetition
      • Bradley has breakfast then goes to work, leaving Sterling to take over
      • Kylan mentions his birthday is day after tomorrow on ride in to work
    • Directed to gender studies as opposed to history
      • Patron sees Joy, bothers her, insists on sex
        • Leaves, saying he’ll see her later
      • Finds rules for changing from female to male
        • Incredibly rare
        • Can be done alone or with two men’s consent
          • Alone means staying in inpatient clinic for 6 month evaluation
          • Two men’s consent means no stay
        • Takes a single day
    • Repetition at home
      • Patron invited self to dinner with Sterling, Kylan, Bradley, Montana, and patron
      • Joy requests alone time with Sterling
        • Sterling states that he would always defer to real men
        • Changes mind and asks Bradley to stay
      • Asks Bradley about Kylan’s birthday
        • Afternoon will be last portion of his childhood with cake, presents, and birthday party, hosted by Joy.
        • Evening will be first day of adulthood, Bradley will step away and allow Kylan to be man for Joy’s sexual pleasure
      • Asks Bradley about multiple men, how to reduce it
        • Bradley explains that so long as Joy is alone, she’ll be offered as many men as possible and as they learn that she’s single, they’ll invite themselves, all helping her to sexual delights of multiple men at once
        • She can stop it by picking one.  By requesting that they propose marriage to her.  
        • Engagement would last no more than one month, normal period of two weeks
        • She becomes partner of man.  
  • Next day 6/16/2700
    • Repetition
    • Catty visits Joy at library
      • Tries to convince Joy that staying in this time is better, staying female is better
      • Calls men over for sex 
      • Gangbang
    • Montana calls for ride home for Catty and Joy
      • Catty utilizes rides sex toys
    • Sterling greets Joy home, stating dinner will be Atticus, Catty, Bradley, Kylan, Montana, Patron, himself, and driver
    • Joy realizes more and more men will keep joining her, corners Bradley and asks him to propose
      • Makes dinner for everyone, preps herself for another gangbang night assuming Bradley will need time to propose
      • Bradley proposes after dinner, excuses all the guests
      • Makes love to Joy
  • Next day 6/17/2700
    • Bradley stays over, taking weeks off of work to be with his fiancé
    • Changes Sterling from head of household to pure mentor mode
    • Has Joy set up birthday party for Kylan
    • Party involves Bradley, Kylan, a few of his friends, and Joy
    • Party changes at evening, Kylan declared adult, children leave
    • Kylan thanks Joy and gives her a kiss, saying he would have loved to please her but now that she’s going to be his step mom he’d defer to her choice, always be available to her
    • Bradley sheepishly asks Joy to have sex with Kylan
      • As a man, he may go years before meeting a woman, may never marry
      • He had his hopes up all week of ‘helping’ Joy, was honestly disappointed
      • Sees that it bothers Joy, says it can be a one off event, but would mean a lot to him (Bradley) for his son.
    • Joy has sex with Kylan
      • Uses her recent extensive experiences to tame his over excitement.  Primarily focuses her lessons on Bradleys attention to detail and Montana’s oral, anal, vaginal method.  
    • Clean up, sleep with Bradley
  • Next day 6/18/2700
    • New morning repetition
      • Bradley wakes Joy up, blowjob in bed
      • Shower together
      • Quick breakfast (he doesn’t want to impose as he sees she doesn’t like cooking)
      • He goes down on her
      • She cleans up
      • Tasks Sterling with her intimate lesson while he goes over home finances
    • Confused, asking Joy why she still wants to workj
      • Joy promises him a discussion later
    • Go to work
      • Sex with Montana
      • History section
        • Find out about ‘event’, realization that its not preventable
    • Return home in a fog
    • Cry in Bradley’s arms, spills the beans
      • Heart to heart with Bradley
      • Four options
        • Return home as is, live with consequences as a woman
        • Change to male, return home, live with consequences as man
        • Change to male, stay here, live life of friendship but likely never love
        • Stay as female, marry Bradley.  
  • Epilogue
    • At marriage ceremony
    • Talk about how Atticus and Catty took the news and decided to stay, but would support Joy’s decision.
    • Atticus and Bradley would have offered consent
      • Joy chose to stay and marry Bradley
    • Bachelorette party with Catty and a new friend who showed Catty and Joy new lives
    • Atticus, Catty, Bradley, and Joy make way to Angel City and destroy time machine
    • ‘I Do’ moment
      • After ‘man and wife’ kiss, all men line up for spit roast of Joy, she’s excited 

I initially wrote out a more thorough timeline from the 'event' to 2700, but will hold that back in reserve in case I want or need more details.  I also haven't decided on what the 'event' is yet.  It has to meet certain criteria:

  • It can't be avoided
  • It causes radiation
  • The radiation is primarily around cities (like a nuclear war)

I'm still thinking about a gamma ray burst.  Something that scientists would find coming toward earth a few years before it strikes so that it gives humanity a chance to set up shelters that would last centuries.  I want it to be beyond a foregone conclusion that it can't be prevented.  Anything manmade could be manstopped, so I want that out of the equation.  I also want it to be seen coming, otherwise how did so many shelters get into place.  It really just ends up how much I wan to discuss it.  I could go all Pulp Fiction 'Whats in the briefcase' and not even say what it is but even that would require some wordplay yadda yaddaing.  

Overall I think this will be fun.  I like the sex scenes, I like the progression so that Joy is constantly on edge even as her life normalizes around sex.  About the only thing I don't like is leaving Atticus and Catty off as much as I have.  Their character arcs are... weak?  Lacking?  They're just not good.  But I can be satisfied with that.  

One thing I noticed a couple weeks ago was that I'd written a kind of genre fiction without even thinking about it.  I knew part of this would fit into the whole 'dystopian' future society genre.  1984, The Hunger Games, The Handmaid's Tale, A Clockwork Orange, Children of Men, Maze Runner, Running Man, The Matrix.  But it wasn't until I watched the Amazon Prime show 'Fallout' that I realized I took a lot of this from that series of games.  Having a utopia society with a 50's bent on it, taking shelter for a long time, fear of a war.  Sure, if I my story took from Fallout, then the actual Fallout portion is skipped over, but I wonder if it didn't fit into my subconscious as I was writing.  

I'd mentioned in another update that I might be done by early June.  I don't think so.  Sure, the outline lets me write faster, but I still have stretches of migraine days that prevent me from writing at all (like today).  I also got my new Nintendo Switch and talk about something that can eat up hours of my day!   Anyway, it's possible I get done by early June but I think it more likely that I get this done in mid to late June.  

I'll then have to ponder how to post it.  I won't get into those weeds just yet, but suffice it to say that I won't post it in as many 'small' chapters as I did Just Dance and Gamer Gurl: Origins.  

And one last note, I'm really looking forward to continuing Gamer Gurl.  It isn't even a question as to what I'm going to write next.  I can't wait to get back into Sadie and Sarah's minds.   I even have some vague scenes in mind for that, not to mention a basic arc for this second part.  

I almost forgot to mention, you can read up everything I've written so far at  Just know that as I post this, Chapter 38 is newest one.  If you read Chapter 39, it's going to include stuff from the above outline.  

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