Saturday, June 30, 2018


I wish I had more friends.

I've shared about my friends before, but just to update how I'll refer to them and to any new readers here, let me tell you about my current cadre of friends.  This won't take long.  .

I have A and E.  I went to photo school with E and then worked with him and A as a photographer.  We became good friends and even though we don't live near each other, I still consider them my best friends.  I actually served as the officiant in both of their weddings. I'm sure if I were to ever get married, they'd both stand up in mine if not actually officiate it.  When I travel down to Dallas, I'm traveling to visit with A.  I'd travel to visit with E, but he lives in San Francisco and that's an expensive flight or a very long drive.  We vacationed together last year in New Orleans.  We text each other fairly often in a group chat and just share stuff.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Can't it be Ideas?

At the end of this post I have a conversation about the whole 'Us vs Them' thing (hence the graphic!), but to start, I have a bunch of issues to catch up on.  First, the job issue.  Yes, I'm continuing on the job search and yes, it is now a job search.  I have been in contact with my former supervisor and hopefully future HUM but her position is not yet available.  BUT as my current supervisor and HUM are now aware of my intent to move on and are both supportive of my intent to move on, they've pointed out that a position nearby has come open. Not only did they point it out but they've made introductions between the HUM there and me but got me a tour of their facility.  And on top of all that, the position DID come open.