Saturday, October 8, 2016

So what's five months between friends?

So yeah... sorry.

I know, more or less, what happens when I stop feeling like Caitlyn and lose interest in making caps and playing at D+X.  But I'm not sure why I lost interest in posting here.  I mean since I made this into 'Calvins Musings' and started posting more personal things, this has more or less become my journal.  My diary.  I don't post daily as that just wouldn't make sense.  I'm not one of those people that post a photo of every meal to instagram or post everything funny I see to facebook.

But I DO get something out of putting up ideas here and working through them.  Even if I'm just working through whether to buy an iPad, or getting excited about another trip.

Anywho... I don't know why I stopped having interest in posting here.  It's not as though nothing happened, and it's not as though I haven't struggled to get my thoughts together on certain subjects.  So I'm not exactly going to go through everything that's happened to me in the five months since I posted.  But I will catch up on some things that were in motion and mention a few things that have come up since.  If I want to go into any real detail about things (I might with the whole car thing), I'll make another post later for that.