Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Story Idea

I know, I know.  I haven't even really started this story so I shouldn't focus on another.  But I wanted to write this idea out so that I can hopefully come back to it later and maybe make it another project.

You know I've always been a big fan of the 'Good Guy in the Wrong Place' scenario.  Normally this manifests itself in a person getting transformed (or at least convincingly dressed and made over) and having to fool people around him.  At the same time that he doesn't want to be female, he has to convince others that he IS female... often sexually... or risk losing something (his girlfriend/wife, his good friends, his business...).  But every step he makes to convince people of his femininity he makes it harder and harder to ever get back to 'normal' and even ups the stakes as to what he will lose if he's found out.

That always makes me melt into a little puddle when I read it or even think about it.  But there's another side of that scenario.

The other side is being heartlessly and mercilessly transformed.  "Language Barrier" is kind of in this vein as without the ability to truly bargain with his captors, the main character will just have to go through the transformations without hope of release.

But I think that this method is often best utilized when it's not a person transforming the main character.  RH Music did it wonderfully in his story "House Training"  where an automated house transforms a man into a woman.   Some other stories have used a variation on this with the 'Auto Closet', where a device automatically dresses (and in some cases transforms) the main character while getting dressed.  In these scenarios there is no amount of begging, cajoling, or screaming that will stop the transformation from continuing.  That hopelessness really gets to me.

This story involves both of those versions of the GGitWP scenario.  Before I get to the actual story, lemme explain the world that allows it to happen;

Sometime ago a world power (lets just say the USA for now) makes a virus that will infect enemy troops.  To reduce their effectiveness it changes them to females.  I'm not talking about female soldiers as they can be just as effective as men.. I'm talking overtly over the top sexy women.  Big breasts, small frames, wide hips, weak musculature, long fingernails and hair.... more or less sexpots.  The virus mutates though during testing and is now 'out there' infecting people.  Not just enemys, but everyone.  And these infected people are contagious for several months, spreading the disease

When scientists start working on a cure, they actually make it worse, by creating a new variation on the virus.  They make it so that not only is a person's body is affected, but so is their mind.   Those infected become overtly feminine in their thoughts, lose most of the intellect they have and even have an increased sex drive.   On the one hand this is held up as a success as the people are no longer tortured by being in a body that they don't think of as their own. But on the other hand it makes them almost entirely new people.   It's called 'Cure through Personality Death'.  World wide legislation is passed so that no further work will be done on this virus and instead everyone starts working on ways to help those infected with either version, and stopping the spread of the disease.

Some things that are created are 'auto houses'.   These homes will help treat the infected. For those that are merely physically trained, it will help them acclimate to their new body.  Helping them to walk, talk, dress, apply makeup, and style their hair in a feminine way.  For those affected mentally as well, it helps them not only appear as females, but also alliterative the stresses of their new personalities.  Providing sex stress reducers, training in how to utilize their reduced intellect, and even job training that corresponds to their strengths like prostitution, erotic dancing, professional cheer leading and modeling.

So that's the world.  The two main characters would be scientists that are illegally working on either a cure or at least a vaccine to protect people.  Without any scientific or financial help, they have to do everything themselves.  When the think they have a vaccine they of course can only try it out on one of them.  It's a partial success.  The main character ends up infected with the mentally altering form of the virus, but shows no signs of his mind being infected.  Even the physical transformations are milder and incomplete... say he gets small breasts, longer hair and fingernails and reduced strength, but retains his genitals.

It puts them at a crossroad as they obviously can't take this public yet, but they both see it's potential.  Especially for those infected with the mental side of the virus.  The biggest problem though is that any test will show the main character as not only infected, but contagious.  The home that they share is one of the newer models designed not only to help the infected, but to keep them quarantined until they aren't contagious.  So while the secondary character has to maintain his full time job and work on the cure in his spare time, the main character is locked in a home that will try it's best to 'train' him to accept his newfound femininity.

A lot of little half formed scenes come to mind:

  • The house constantly dressing him in an entirely provocative manner
  • The house starting his training in walking, talking, dressing, applying makeup, and style his hair.
  • The house trying to relieve his stress by giving him simulated sex
  • The house actually enhancing his body to be more feminine
A the same time the main character can't explain to those around him that he isn't really infected.  Otherwise their work on a cure will stop and most likely send his friend to prison.  So when people come to visit he has to put up a front of not only being a sex starved woman, but also of WANTING to be this way.  Some other half formed scenes in that vein:

  • His girlfriend visits and explains that she can't be with a woman (breaking his heart)
  • A social worker visits to make sure that the house is properly helping him out (perhaps even programing it to help him along more physically)
  • A male colleague comes over to help relieve her 'stress'
  • *standard porn alert*  The pizza delivery guy!
I don't picture this being nearly as long of a story as I'm setting up "Language Barrier" to be, but it will still certainly be longer than a multi panel cap.  It would be a fun time to right, and if I can get the tone down right, I think it will both be an enjoyable read as well as a fun erotic tale.  

I haven't imagined how the story would end.  I can picture several ways:

  • He and his partner end up getting a vaccine, but can't reverse what's been done to him.  This leaves him in the sexy body, but also free from the further humiliations of the house training.   He'll have to live the rest of his life as a shemale. 
  • He and his partner end up with a full cure, and are able to transform him back.  This one might be less erotic in nature, but I picture it being a very satisfying way to end the character's story. 
  • He and his partner continue to work on the cure, but all the training starts to affect him and they fall in love together.  
  • His and his partner finish their work (either a vaccine or a cure), but his partner wants all the credit so he keeps him in the house until he really is reduced down to a sexy bimbo.  
And there's plenty of ways to mix all those together.  

Again, I won't be working on this anytime soon.  But it's good to get the idea out there so that I can revisit it later.  Even just in writing this idea up, I've added some things to it.  And just for my own ease, I'm going to link to the two other story ideas that I've written about at Caitlyn's Masks.

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