Monday, February 26, 2024

It's A Man's World - Beginning a new project

I have to start this post with the same caveat that should come with all these 'behind the scenes' writing posts.  I'm going to write a bit about my process but I'm also going to be writing about the story itself.  This is, in a way, going to be far more planned than Gamer Gurl.  So, if you don't want to know about It's A Man's World story details before I write them out, this is your getting off point.  

Still with me?  Okay.  

I have this list of older movies that I want to either watch or re-watch.  I keep them in a list as they fit 'in between' whatever I'm watching at that time.  For example, I'm currently watching through 'The Expanse' and it's a lot of fun.  But on days like yesterday, when my migraine surges and I can't consume new content, or when I just need a break from the mystery/noir/sci-fi feel that The Expanse gives me, I have to pick out an old movie.  

None of these movies hold a stronger interest than the others.  They're from different genres, times, and styles.  The Bridge over the River Kwai was next to IT and IT Chapter 2 and they were next to The Good The Bad and The Ugly.  All of these were next to Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  If I'm in the mood for something in particular, I'll go with that but most of the time I just want something different.  So what I'll do is give each of the movies a number and then digitally roll a dice to see which I'm going to watch.  

I mention all of that as it's how I chose to write It's A Man's World as opposed to continuing with the next part of Gamer Gurl.  Both held interest to me for different reasons and I was as attached to either project as the other.  The dice came up as 2, so I'm writing It's A Man's World.  

The first chapter is complete setup.  It's establishing the three characters a bit, pre transformation, and establishing how the time travel works and why they're traveling to a distant future.  Even the second chapter was setup as it was their time jump and the beginning of all three of their transformations.  I plan to have all three transformed by the end of the third chapter.... although that might slide into the fourth chapter a bit.  

A lot of my stories spend a long time with the physical transformation.  Hell, Thesis wasn't done with the physical transformation until the final quarter of the story.  I'm going in a different direction here.  I'm also tracking a different path as this is my first story involving a complete gender transformation.  The protagonist started out as 'normal' man and will soon end up a 'normal' woman.  

Now this is still me and one of my favorite tropes, the transformed man being subservient to others and especially men, will still be front and center.  In fact, that's going to be one of the central themes.  I'll set up the exact details later as it will be part of the mystery, but basically the future they end up in is one of vastly reduced birth rates.  Dangerously reduced birth rates.  Not only are women less fertile, there are vastly less women.  I plan to explore three different societies and have our characters experience how each one deals with this woman/fertility problem.  

The driving force behind the time travel is that they find out a nuclear war will occur soon.  Their time travel technology doesn't allow them to travel 'short' distances in time so they can't go before the war and find out how it happens.  So they have to go FAR into the future and hope that the society there has a history of the war.  They hope to find out what precipitated the war, return to their present, and work to prevent it from ever happening.  

A bit about each subject.  The protagonist, Jim Williams is a successful 40 year old man.  He's good looking, wealthy, and intelligent.  He never married, but was close once and dated regularly.  He's the character getting transformed into a woman.  When the first society they come to see that his genetics would support him being female they 'fix' the problem of him being male.  This society also has fixed many medical issues and the transformation will not only change Jim into a woman but also give him the body of a 20 year old.  

The two other subjects, Dr. Atticus Moore and Dr. Catalina Rodriguez, are the heart and soul behind the time travel.  They developed the theories, math, and technology behind the time travel.  Jim, as intelligent as he is, is their 'mechanic'.  They are both beyond brilliant and have knowledge well past their selected specialties.  Their interest in the societies is going to eventually be a sticking point as Jim just wants to leave but they want to stay longer and longer to study these societies.  And while Jim is getting genetically changed into an ideal 20 year old woman, they're each being given an ideal body.  Atticus will end up being the typical 'Alpha Male' we see so often in forced feminization stories and Catty will end up as a strong will dominant woman who still takes a subservient role to Atticus.  

I have strong ideas on the first and last of the three societies I want the subjects to visit.  Now, I haven't written much of this into the story so there's a lot of room for changes here.  

The first is the one they hit initially.  I've called it the Free Union of Western Nations (they started in our Los Angeles which is named Angel City in the future).  This is the most scientifically advanced of the societies and also one of the most isolationists.  They don't want to share their technology.  Women here are equals to men, but the whole society realizes that birth rates are down and getting pregnant and birthing children is vastly important to every member of the society.  The idea of marriage and monogamy is considered very old fashioned as women have a better chance of getting pregnant when they have sex with more men.  About the only 'crime' toward this process is refusing to have sex.  

I'm sure you can see the problem to a recently transformed Jim.  

This society, unfortunately, has no desire to learn about the past.  Their history texts begin with them forming into one nation around the time of their industrial revolution.  No where near the nuclear war.  In fact, they've destroyed most of the information going back that far.  So our subjects will have to move on.  

A quick aside, I always love little details.  I could come up with names to all these countries and societies, but there is such a great dirth of future society names that I spent about an hour searching through ones to use.  I named the first, Free Union of Western Nations, before I looked for existing names.  I went by that as simply they were in California and imagined it going all the way down the western Mexico coast and all the way up into western Canada.  Basically, they don't pass the Rockys.  The third society, where I imagine most of the story happening, will happen in Chicago.  I think they'll keep that city name, but I wanted the country name to be something out of nowhere.  As Chicago is on lake Michigan and Michigan (my home state) is named after the Mishigami Native Americans, I named that country the Alliance of Mishigami People.  It's one of the signs that they have an understanding of history and why our subjects will spend so much time there.  

But with those two named, I knew I'd have a third country (I'm currently picturing it around Dallas), as well as references to other countries.  For example, in the second chapter, our subjects came in as immigrants from.... somewhere?  So I this is where I searched for existing 'fictional future countries'.  These might never get used, but I love that I might put one in that someone will read and go "Hey, I know that name!".  Oceania from George Orwell's 1984.  The Principality of Aerugo from Fullmetal Alchemist.  The Kingdom of Azadistan from Mobile Suit Gundam 00.  The Eastern Coalition from Star Trek: First Contact.  The European Hegemony from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  

The last one I found fit exactly what I wanted the second society to be.  Gilead from Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  

So, back to the societies.  The Free Union of Western Nations is advanced, futuristic, isolationist, and doesn't care about the past.  They're the ones that transform Jim.  Once our subjects decide to move on, they're going to go to the first country they can get to.  Gilead.  And no, in my story they won't recognize any of these names.  

The ideas I had for the second society were in place before I thought of The Handmaid's Tale, although I probably got the ideas subconsciously from that seminal work.  I loved reading the book in high school, I loved watching the first couple seasons of the Hulu show (and plan on watching the rest of it), and believe it fits in very well to my personal style of forced feminization even though it doesn't hit on that subject directly.  

My Gilead is a completely male dominated society.  Women are primarily and almost exclusively for procreation.  The women that are infertile are trained to care for the women that can bear children.  Children aren't even designated to their particular Father as the men simply get granted a child by lottery or some other random process.  In the Free Union of Western Nations I established that Atticus and Catty are playing a married couple and Jim is their cousin.  That fiction is set as fact with identification papers granted to them by the Free Union of Western Nations.  My plan for when they get to Gilead is that the government there will begrudgingly accept the marriage of Atticus and Catty and let them stay together (with a strict warning about Catty showing only subsurvience to all men).  Jim, on the other hand, will be taken as a female of fertile age, and be sent into their system for women.  He'll be seen as property and used (and abused) as such.  

Eventually Atticus and Catty will rescue Jim and they'll escape to Chicago and the Alliance of Mishigami People.  

This society is what I initially envisioned when I imagined this time travel story.  I only imagined the first society as I didn't want their eventual society to be so scientifically advanced that they could change a gender at will.  Only later, as I continued to imagine this story, did I come up with the second 'Gilead' society to show that things can get much MUCH worse and be a reason they stay in Chicago.  

First, this society does have histories going back that far but it's going to be difficult to obtain.  I'm picturing something time based... like Jim gets a job that has access to the histories, but doesn't obtain that full access until after a year of service.  Something like that.  Second, like the previous two societies (and the assumption that ALL societies are this way in one way or another) they're focused on procreation.  But where the Free Union of Western Nations uses science and equality, and Gilead uses brute force and a patriarchy, the Alliance of Mishigami People have an odd worshiping of women.  

At some point in their past, I see this society as realizing all of the previous society's (pre nuclear war) woes as being the division between men and women.  Through their histories they believe they found the ideal method and it's been in their laws and customs for so long that it's considered normal.  Men, they figured, should all care for their women.  From dawn to night, their life is about caring for and pleasing women.  Women, on the other hand, are all about procreation and taking care of 'their man'.  In a round about way, think of 50's 'Leave it to Beaver' type society.  Or, if you want a darker tone, the Stepford Wives.  

BUT, as our subjects will later learn, their idea of this came from porn.  They believe women have an insatiable need for sex and therefore men need to provide this to them.  They also believe that women come in, more or less, two flavors;  one that loves sex and admits it and one that loves sex and likes to be forced.  So as Jim tries to deny his desire for sex, the men just see him as the second flavor and 'help' Jim by forcing themselves on him.  

They do respect marriage so Catty, at least initially, is safe.  But they also realize there's a fertility problem. Married men are expected to focus on their wives, but they also have to provide service to all other women.  Married women dote on their husbands, but if they don't get pregnant within a certain time (I'm picturing six months) they are open to having sex with others.  Single women are strongly encouraged to find a husband.  Once they do, then that man will have exclusive rights to mate with her.... BUT as all women want sex and all men must provide that pleasure to them, they continue to have sex with her.  Just not vaginal sex.  

Yeah, you know I love the blow jobs and anal sex!  This is my way to get it into the story even though the subject is a complete woman.  

Women having jobs here isn't exactly frowned upon, but it's more often than not just a way for them to get more sex.  Yes, they can work in an office, but it's as a secretary that pleases the bosses.  Yes, they can teach in college, but its to have sex with the other 'real' teachers and/or students.  Yes, they can attend college, but it's just to find a husband with no desire to get a degree.  Female police officers?  Yup, they have sex with criminals.  Female lawyers?  Yup, they're blowing the judge.  And my vague idea for Jim is to work in a library where the history books are, but he's expected to have sex with the clients there.  Only when he's worked there for long enough will get get access to the history section, giving him reason to keep going to work.  

I'm sure you can see, this story is going to be about sex sex sex.  Yes, I have a bigger story arch and even have other characters traveling their own stories, but this is a way for me to write out scenes that couldn't happen in the more 'normal' or 'realistic' worlds that I generally prefer.  

A lot of these ideas have been with me for a long time.  But many got for focused when I found Kami Tora as an artist.  This started back in 2017, but I keep finding more of their art.  Here are some examples and the ideas it gave me:

A man has important work to do but doesn't want to leave his wife without pleasure for that long.  So he finds her up and puts a pleasure machine to work on her.  All day.  

Girls are taught at a young age to take pleasure from men however the men want to give it.  For their own good, this is often given through forced learning experiences.  

A man is taking his wife out for a nice leisurely walk.  She's not allowed to have vaginal sex with other men, hence the chastity cage.  The man sees a friend and they start to chat.  Being a friend, he starts to get his cock out to help please the man's wife.  

A woman at 'work' chastises one of the men under her.  He, wanting to please her and let her act like she doesn't want the pleasure, takes matters in his own hand.  After a good spanking he'll have vaignal sex with her, as she's not committed to a husband or it's past her pregnancy time.   

A teacher (in college... I hate the idea of pedophilia), gives her male student a 'bad' grade of a B+.  He takes matters in his own hand, makes her write her punishment on the chalkboard, gives her a spanking, and since she's already taken by a husband, has anal sex with her.  

A man takes his wife to a party.  As the men want to have a private discussion they bind the women up on a platform for pleasure.  Anal on one side for the wives, vaginal on the other for the girlfriends.  

As you can see, none of these scenarios would work in a realistic setting.  Just try to picture me shoehorning one of these scenarios into Just Dance or Gamer Gurl.  Yeah, I couldn't picture it either.  

Now, that makes me think of fetishes, but I think I have more ideas on that subject and it's only peripherialy related to It's A Man's World.  So I think I'll post this, link to it from my primary blog, and then write up a fetish post.  It might not be today as I'd actually like to write another chapter of It's A Man's World.  

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