Friday, December 29, 2017

A year in review

I skipped over doing this last year, so sadly there isn't a '2016 year in review).  But this is something I've done for 2013, 2014, and 2015 and will hopefully continue on with in the future.  If for no other reason than it will be fun to look back and see what I was going through at these times.

Anywho, this is an idea I got from Joanna on her Happiness blog.  I hate to say that I haven't visited her blog in a long long time.  It's one of the things that I've just given up on... keeping up with all my blogging friends.  Anyway, on to the year.

Where I look back at most years (since 2013) as good, I can't say the same about 2017.  It started off on the wrong foot.... I was sick.  I mean damn, I was sick from late December 2016 until around March of 2017.  I finally went to the doctor, got some antibiotics and some allergy pills and kicked it but three months of sickness really gets to you.

I traveled.  I visited Detroit for the car show in January.  I drove down to Dallas to visit my friends there.  I flew down to New Orleans in September to hang with my friends.  I made some cool purchases from a new 55 inch OLED television, a new refrigerator, a new grill, a new computer, and a new car.  But that traveling and those purchases put a big stress on my finances.  For the past few years I found it easy to keep around $2000 in my savings.  That was without trying to do so... I'd buy what I want, when I want, and I'd still find myself with an extra two grand to blow on something.  Well... this year I didn't have that.  One of the first decisions I made in 2017 was to go down to Mardi Gras with a friend in 2018.  He booked us a hotel and a train ride down and I owed him $1000.  Oops.  It took me most of the year to pay him off.  Everything else just kept getting in the way.  And now, almost a year later, it looks like I might not have much cash to go down with.

My health took another scare as I thought my diabetes was entering a new stage.  My blood sugars kept rising and rising and I freaked a bit when I finally saw my doctor, afraid that I'd have to go on insulin.  Well, my A1C did rise a bit but most of my elevated blood sugar readings can be traced back to my glucomter being off.  I fixed it, started a new oral med, and am far better controlled right now.  My migraines have gotten worse.  They're more severe and are lasting longer.  My doctor got me an appointment with a neurologist to see what's going on there, but that's not until March (yes, it was the first available appointment).  I've taken to keeping a migraine diary and it's scarry to see how many days are being affected by both bad headaches and migraines.

Family health is from so-so to outright bad.  My older brother had his galbladder taken out in 2016 and ever since has been a little more nervous about his health.  While he was in the hospital it was found that he has incredibly high blood pressure, and is now on two medications for it.  He sees his doctor on a regular basis now (I think every three months as it's still not under good control), but he's obviously nervous about his health.  My younger brother was trying to lose weight on a 'no carb' diet but he hit a wall, stopped losing weight, and finally gave up on it.  His wife was injured in 2016 and has hardly been able to work since, so their finances have been decimated..... he lost his Chevy Traverse and might get their cell phones turned off.  That's hard to watch.  Mom's health was the worst.  She was finally diagnosed with COPD which we've suspected for a long time.  She needs oxygen for any hard work and uses it every night.  She's trying to quit smoking but it's not going well.... and yea, it's just another step closer to her dying.

My friend down in Dallas had some hand surgery but he's recovering well so far.  My friend up in Lansing had a knee replaced and lost a bunch of time at work, but last I heard he might be getting a settlement from the injury and end up with an over $100,000 payday.  That's my traveling buddy and he's already talking about a big trip to celebrate the win... maybe Hawaii.

I'm lonelier.  I don't think there's anything to be done about it, but I'm just lonely.

Anyway... it's been a long time since I had a 'bad' year.  I still can't complain as having 4 out of the last 5 years be good one is still the best 5 year average I've had since I was a very little boy.

On to the questions!

1.What did you do in 2017 that you'd never done before?                                                                     
I leased my first car.  Yeah, I traded in Ginger (who was my first brand new car ever) for Isabella.  My payments are high as I was more than just a little upside down on Ginger... but from here on out I'll be having a new car every three years or so with far smaller car payments.

2.Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't make any resolutions last year.  I just wanted to be healthier, but I didn't do any work toward that goal.  I think I'll stick with that... no resolutions.

3.Did anyone you know give birth?
No.  Not anybody at work, no friends, and no family members gave birth.  The closest thing was some facebook friends.... but I honestly don't remember how they became my facebook friends so they don't count.

4.Did anyone you know die?
Thankfully no.  Several work colleagues had family members that died, but no one that I personally knew died.

5.What countries did you visit?
None.  I did visit Mexico in 2016 and that was a blast, but no... no countries in 2017.

6.What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Mom getting better instead of the long slow decline that she’s been on for years. (That's the same answer I wrote in 2015... and sadly her decline is continuing, so the answer has to stay the same)

7.What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 20, 2017 - the inauguration of President Trump.  He's an asshole and a national embarrassment.

8.What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Letting someone know about Caitlyn.  There is now someone that I personally know and see that knows I see myself as a woman sometimes.  Scary, thrilling, humbling.

9.What was your biggest failure?
Letting my financial control go.  I figured I could just do what I want and finally outspent my income.  I'm not completely or dangerously out of control, but I do have to start making financial calls.

10.Were you seriously ill during 2017?
There was that cold for the first three months that I couldn't shake.  My diabetes control got worse and I had to go on a new medication.  My migraines have gotten worse and I'm now seeking help from a neurologist.  But no, not seriously ill.

11.What was the best thing you bought?
There were a lot of good purchases, but I think the best is the TV.  She's a real beaut.  Just like getting the plasma TV in 2007 changed who good television could look, this has done the same thing being 4K and HDR and OLED (those blacks!).

12.Whose behavior merited celebration?
My niece.  She dropped the ball and screwed up getting her finances set up for college.  She didn't cry, she didn't rage, she didn't lose it.  She just kept on keeping on and made an effort to get back into school the next semester.  She's moving up there next month!

13.Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
My own.  I can't believe I let my finances go like that.  My brother, for the same reason.

14.Where did most of your money go?                                                                 
College Loans (that'll be the biggest payment until 2022), but there was the new fridge, the new TV, the new grill, the new car... I spent a lot of money that I shouldn't have.

15.What did you get excited about?
I was really excited to visit New Orleans and visit with A & E (those are my friends' initials... not the A&E television channel).  We're three very close friends and don't get to see each other all that often, plus it was a city that I hadn't visited as an adult.  BTW, New Orleans sucks and it really puts a damp cloth on how much I'm looking forward to Mardi Gras.

16.What songs will always remind you of 2015?
More than a song, I'll remember 2017 as the year I stepped away from iTunes.  I still use an iPod so I can't completely leave it behind, but I'm now a Google Music user now instead of an iTunes user.

But for a song.... it would have to be Come A Little Bit Closer by Jay and the Americans.  Sure, it's a classic rock song, but once I heard it in Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2, it stuck with me.

17.Compared to this time last year, are you:
Sadder/Happier?  Sadder
Thinner/Fatter?  I was the same most of the year, but I think I'm fatter now.
Richer/Poorer?  Richer, in that I make more money than last year, but poorer in that I mange it worse.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Focused on others instead of myself.

19.What do you wish you'd done less of?
Spent money unwisely.

20.How will you be spending Christmas?
Christmas eve with my mother, brothers, nephews, and neice was on December 22nd as everybody worked on Christmas eve.  It was spent at home and was very nice.  Christmas was spent at my Aunt's.  It was my aunt, my mother, my older brother, my cousin, and myself.  It was low key but nice.

21.What is the one thing you would have gone back and done differently this year?
As much as I love Isabella, I wish I would have been a little smarter and either waited for what I really wanted (a 2018 Mustang) or been a little more financially smarter and just got a really nice Focus. 

22.Did you fall in love in 2015?

23.Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Sadly, I hate a particular co-worker.  She just doesn't work, she wastes time, she chats, she doesn't know how to do her job and asks questions about things any nurse should know, she goes to the docs when she shouldn't and doesn't go to the doc when she should.  She has made work incredibly stressful and I'd rather be a person short rather than work a shift with her.  I'm working to get her fired and I hate myself for that.

24.What was your favorite TV program?
I've moved almost completely to watching shows via streaming.  My favorite show I streamed in 2017 was Stranger Things season 2.  Just simply brilliant.  It would rock if it was set in current time, but it's even better being set in the 80s.  Such a fun trip back!

25.What was your greatest musical discovery?
The fact that Caitlyn likes chill pop music.

26.What was the best book you read?
I re-read a lot of the Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher.

27.Are you happy with your lot?
Yes.  And no. I obviously want more than my lot can provide, but I still like what my lot CAN provide.

28.What did you want and get?
A new fridge.  Sure there were other things, but I was the only one saying that a fridge with the freezer on the bottom would work.  We got one like that and it's wonderful.  No more bending over just to get something out of the fridge.

29.What did you want and NOT get?
More financial security.

30.What was your favourite film of this year?
The most recent moving I can think of that was great was Dunkirk.  Amazing film, but I just watched that a week ago and the 'newness' might be coloring that.  Some other great movies include Logan, John Wick chapter 2, Spiderman Homecoming, but if I had to narrow it down to one 'favorite' movie it would have to be Baby Driver.  Simply Amazing.  Great acting, great characters, great story, amazingly great music, and great action.  There really isn't anything missing.

31.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 43 in January.  I probably worked as I simply don't care about my birthday anymore.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Health issues all around being better.  Mine, Mom's, my brother R's.

33.How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Nothing changed here.  Patterned button up shirts.  Jeans.   Loafers.

I did try a blue pair of Doc Martens... but damn those are hard shoes to wear.  Fuck them.

34.What kept you sane?
D+X.  Seriously, playing Caitlyn has been such an escape and hasn't helped me this much since before 2013.

35.Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Joe Biden.  He hasn't been in the news a lot since he's no longer VP, but when he did speak he always made sense.

36.What political issue stirred you the most?
The Trumpification of the republican party.  I was never going to be a republican, but they got worse and worse they more they cowtowed to that crazy man in the white house.  Trump supported the child molester in Alabama and suddenly the whole damned party is supporting him.  Fuck them.

37.Who did you miss?
No one really.  Sean?  I was away from Caitlyn for awhile when Mom got really sick, and I missed my boyfriend.

38.Who were the best new people you met/got to know?
A co-worker.  Let's call her Su (as I have several co-workers that are S).  Su is a hard worker and funny, and amazing.  Sadly she's transfering to another facility so I'll be left with the co-worker I hate. But Su is good people!

39.Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014:
That finances, even when it seems you make more money than you can spend, takes watching.

40.Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
From a song I got earlier in the year.  "Carry On" by Norah Jones:

And after all's been said and done
Who said it best, were you the one?
Let's just forget, leave it behind
And carry on

If you should find the time to speak
Then speak to me, I'd never keep
You from your final destiny
So carry on

Into the quiet I am bound
What you have lost, I've never found
I lost my nerve, yet peace surrounds
So carry on

I know there's no way to predict what life has in store.  I might die tomorrow.  I might have a fantastic year.  I might have a dreadful year.  I might have a combination of those last two.  But if I'm honest with myself, I'm afraid that 2018 will be a bad year.  That I'll look back at 2017 and think that everything was just hunky dory in comparison.  My finances aren't as good as they were, and I've already committed myself to a major trip.  My health isn't getting better and most of the treatments I can look forward to for migraines have a lot of side effects.  My mother's health is starting to slip away faster and faster and I just don't know how much time she has left.

I also worry that the recent good years I've experience have made me overdue for some really bad years.  Or maybe even worse, that the 4 good years I had from 2013 to 2016 are going to be evenly weighed with bad years from 2017 to 2020.

Anyway, however it turns out I hope that you have a wonderful happy new year!  Happy 2018 everybody!

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